According to me human beings do tend to use certain amount of wisdom when doing certain acts [ofcourse in all of their acts], and most of us do it with conscious where our heart says that we are right. when it comes to killing of small creatures, sometimes it happens unknowingly and some other time it is for our own protection that we use repellants and so on... in that process say creatures like mosquitoes either get killed or escape from the place the repellants smell exists.
In the process of not commiting sin or just because we might be committing a sin , one can't stop protecting their lives is a practical fact. We are all well aware that thousands of human beings are dying every year just becoz of creatures like rats,mosquitoes and so on.. unless there is killing how can one be protected? if these creatures are just driven they cause harm to some other person isn't it? do we really have to see if its a sin or not when someone is harming us?
In the process of not commiting sin or just because we might be committing a sin , one can't stop protecting their lives is a practical fact. We are all well aware that thousands of human beings are dying every year just becoz of creatures like rats,mosquitoes and so on.. unless there is killing how can one be protected? if these creatures are just driven they cause harm to some other person isn't it? do we really have to see if its a sin or not when someone is harming us?