I repeat - no bias, i have nothing personal to gain. Am just pointing out discrepencies in the claims made. Is that wrong? Why wud call that a bias?
Yes sir it does have connection. If they have not produced literature, can it not be said that they:
a) Have not been delving into the scriptures sufficiently to be able to guide the masses, based on the shastras.
b) That they are not able to accept research by universities and historians with regard to the shastras; and are unable to accept the failings side (like interpolations side) of the shastras.
Adi Shankara did not establish the Kanchi mutt. He established only 4 mutts. The 5th mutt (Kanchi)'s antecedents have been well documented by historians.
You can also read the book Sankara Digvijayam published by Ramakrishna Math.
The history of Kanchi Mutt claims that Adi Shankara was born in 509 BC:
: kamakoti.org
This claim is not only refuted by historians but also by the Shringeri Mutt. Shringeri mutt says Adi Shankara was born in 788 AD:
Right from the birth to the samadhi details, Kanchi mutt's claims do not tally with those of the other 4 shankra mutts.
Whenever i say, Shankara-Mutts, i always mean 'kanchi mutt' bcoz it came to exercise some powers on other mutts.
I have nothing against the other 4 mutts established by Adi Shankara. I have the highest regard for the Shringeri peetham for their philanthropic work. The only seer i have great regard for in the Kanchi mutt is Jayendra Swami.
Kanchi mutt details are best left to historians. If i am allowed to use a strong word, then i wud call the whole case "murky". And no, i am not surprised that interpolations can exist.
Why shd the expectation of producing literature be shocking? Adi Shankara was able to convert others because of his literary prowess. Poojas are performed everyday elsewhere too. Other organizations are involved in dharmic activities too. What is kanchi Mutt doing in terms of guiding masses, esp based on the shastras?
Yes i consider literary ability as one of the key things to providing proper leadership. Everything that the vatican came to be, was because of church leaders who produced suitable literary works.
Except Jayendra Swami and the Shringeri peetham, is anyone else in the shankara mutts involved in philanthropic works? In what ways have all the 5 mutts guided people based on shastras? And no i am not talking of guidance to brahmins alone.
Yes, we do. And that's because Vedas or Upanishad do not talk about castes (except verses that stand out like the 'odd man out' in some upanishads like chandogya).
That's what we think. And it does not matter to anyone.
What matter most is not only what historians and scholars think but also what the acharyas of the mutts think.
On what basis?
How? I have already provided verses that show how shudras shd be treated in this very thread. I also provided verses from Manusmrithi on how women are to be treated. Funny that you do not find them discriminatory..
Ok, now lets say i create verses like these:
a) "A brahmin shall use only the items used by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras"
b) "The Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras shall not drink water offered by a brahmin, for the most despicable of all castes is the brahmin"
Atleast now are you able see the discriminatory part (why don't you just substitute the word "brahmin" whereever "shudra" or "women" have been mentioned).
I said the Kanchi Mutt does not acknowledge interpolations in the sense that they do not seem to agree (or accept) that there are interpolations in the first place. Can you ask them if they are considering the smrithis as 'unchangable" or "changable"?
Nope, sorry. They have to acknowledge the discriminatory parts of the smrithis; and clarify which is to be followed and which is not. Or they must not propagate the smrithis in the first place.
So, does that mean brahmins who are following the mutt should follow smrithis that say a women and shudras are to treated badly? Paramacharya's articles are not clear and direct. They are ambigous.
Its here:
Brahmins are not a Privileged Caste from the Chapter "Varna Dharma For Universal Well-Being", in Hindu Dharma : kamakoti.org: Am reproducing the parts:
(ps: please also let me know which dharmashastra says this):
If a brahmin cannot take to other livelihoods, does that automatically make the dharmashastras "impartial"? How? How come there is no mention of how shudras and women are to be treated -- does that sound "good" and "impartial" to the acharya? Moreover the acharya also says this:
The Eternal Religion from the Chapter "Varna Dharma For Universal Well-Being", in Hindu Dharma : kamakoti.org:
Does this mean that the acharya expects brahmins to continue to ill-treat shudras and women? Again, i repeat, the articles are nothing but ambiguous and unclear. Is it not possible for the current acharyas to publish clarifications - on what parts of the smrithis are to be followed?
Yes, its possible that the interpolations were not created by brahmins. Then why did the brahmins in the colonial time expect to control social hierarchial structures? Why did they not say those discriminatory parts are interpolations? Why are they still not saying so? And why did they not create an all-inclusive society?
Yes, but first the discriminatory parts need to be addressed. Second, to show that they are putting non-discrimination into practice, the mutts need to take in students across all strata.
I already mentioned my stand in a previous post. For me, rituals are valid as long as i live in the grihasta life and do not remain valid upon sanyasam. But then, that's me. It has nothing to do others.