Like me, there are so many who does not uphold that. If they refuse to accept, it should be appreciated. In this modern world one should care discriminatory scriptures.
No sensible person in this world is upholding discriminatory scriptures. One does not need to specially appreciate brahmins or anyone if they are not upholding such scriptures.
Dharma and scriptures does not do any good to me. It has put me in a bad position than a dalit. Probably, it will continue for many future centuries. So Why i should buy your logic. When we are not the beneficiary, why should I take that it is created by my ancestors for my benefit. I don't see the benefit.
I do not hold birth based discrimination. if you still think so, then the discrimination will never disappear. I means many like me, like Dalit means few dalits who would like to study veda.
Dharma and scriptures do not help you because you are doing a secular job, living a secular life.
You and me as individuals not upholding birth discrimination is not enough. Nor does anyone care about it.
Discrimination must stop at the level of mutts and religious institutions that promote segregation and discrimination.
Same there. To attain spiritualism, they no need to care the scriptures. Self realization is nobody's monopoly.
Perfectly said. Then why is there a monopoly in admission to vedic schools?
Yes, Because this "Kudumi cutting" society will make me and my family beg and eventually die.
For the reasons stated above, i can not live like ancient brahmana. I don't have any need to claim anything to anybody, I am a brahmin by caste only not Brahmana. Nobody lives for the society now. Its a dream.
You overlook that the ancient brahmanas were not wealthy; and anyone can live life like an ancient brahmana even today. But purohits working in small temples along the street corners, also have dreams of a 'good life' now. So, its a case of a society becoming materialistic on the whole. And yes, truly, nobody lives for the society anymore.
Its a wild imagination without any idea of whats happening since muslim invasion, about the control thing. Brahmins are at the mercy of society not as you think. Brahmins are targeted only to catch the big fish, i mean votes from the remaining 96%. Good strategy.
Sorry PVR, my imaginations are not as wild as the things i come across. Am a plain jane, in every matter. If targetting brahmins was just a political ploy to get votes, then people wud not have supported such movements in the past.
Today, its bcoz of the open economy and shift in focus towards betterment of living standards that has buried such ideologies.
However, to the dalits, its a case of double whammy - ill treatment from all hindus plus lack of capital to build a live on.
No matter how much money they get, some 'dalit' sections do not use it to improve their own lives. Instead they fund movements. Its the ideology that needs to be addressed. Scriptural basis for their birth condemnation must go and they must be allowed to be equals in hinduism.
They create the whole cart of rubbish legislation to promote the effect of castism not the other way.

Its like a dog being hit by a stone. Even if it being hit at any part, it will only lift his leg. Like for all the nonsense, learned people hold only Brahmin's scriptures while majority others including Muslims & Christians happily live using the selfish govt policies.
There would have been no anti-brahmanism from the late-colonial period onwards, if mutts / religious institutions had showed a welcoming attitude into vedism / vedic schools to interested ppl of other castes. What we see today, are the effects of counter-measures.
As long as religious institutions keep birth-based segregations alive, the government is not going to change its legislation on reservations. The question, to the dalits, is about religious equality. ...And they will not allow the government to change its policies until things change at the grass-roots level.
I do not understand what do you mean by all inclusive society. Already we are living in all inclusive society. Around my house, there are many tourist buses parked (by accepting money per bus by the keeper of law) and they made the whole area filthy by cooking on the road. The next day, about 15 people from municipality (absolutely lower caste) came, cleaned the street and knocked our door's and demanded (not asked) that we pay money.
a) Are 97% NB's follow the shastras?
b) There is nothing to loose, why fear?
c) Image !?.
An all-inclusive society means one in which there is no birth-based segregation. One in which people are free to chose their vocation - be it the religious domain or the secular domain.
Its a society that can come only if religious intitutions modify their practices, create a change in the society, influence the masses and thereby finally influence goverment policies.
Hinduism has many paths and hence many groups are bound to happen. The only thing we have to make is to treat all paths equal to one another. By Praying Muniyandi & Vishnu should be reaching the same destination. Is that not happening?.
Question is not abt religious paths. Question is about religious-equality in matters of access to vedic education.
Nope, Its a wrong accusation. Its as if brahmin's derive pleasure in watching a drama when poor souls fight. Its a very bad pov. The fact is that no body cares scriptures, get hold of anybody who is treating dalit as untouchable and ask them you do so, they will definitely not say that its because of brahmin's scriptures.
Scriptures set the basis for discrimination in the past. The past "mentality" continues, though the scriptures are no longer followed. If the mentality needs to change, the scriptural basis needs to be addressed. It means nothing to the rest of the hindus, but it means something to 'dalits'. Let mutts / religious institutions take the lead in showing that hinduism treats everyone as an equal.
What kind of benefits we are getting?
You can always work as a priest. Nobody has taken away that right from you. But what abt ppl who cannot make any living in any manner? I can give you examples of NB families who had to keep selling off land to finance education or weddings or lived in poverty due to low income from agriculture produce. What is their fault? Did they ask mutts to create jati segregation or did they ask politicians to create reservations.
Why are reservations not based on a family's annual income? Why should it be based on caste? Is it not because some 'brahmins' still want to keep the caste system as it is? Not all. But those of mutts certainly do. And if they keep propagating birth-segregation, how will the dalits agree to remove reservations?
Spiritualism can be practiced without anybody's recognition. It is independent. But Materialism is something which is very much dependent. Like me when higher education opportunity was denied based on my caste, and made to suffer in our own country, why I should care for others. Our education system teaches exactly this to our kids, materialism. Or is it from Brahmin Scriptures?
If our education system "teaches" materialsm to kids, then why are brahmins seeking such an education. You cannot follow it, and keep blaming it. Its like typing on a computer, and continuously blaming "modernization" or modern technology. Please do not tell me that you are willing to give up all materialsm and live like those old brahmanas. If you cannot, then why complain.
Considering the present state of brahmin community, I really could not believe brahmins amassed wealth or attained moksha just like that. I have not heard of any brahmin rulers, who worked overtime for the benefit of brahmins alone. Like me, many are not benefited on both front, So, for me, it does not make any sense.
i have not heard of rulers of other communities who worked overtime to benefit their communities alone either...