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"Life is like that!"

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Krishna can assume a shape (uruvam) and he can also be without a form (aruvam) as He wishes to do. He will appear in person – if we call out with faith and trust.

Jadilan was a young boy who had to go his school through a forest – since there were very few schools in ancient time.

He would get frightened by the various growls and sounds of animals on his way. He wanted some one to take him to school safely.

His mother told him to call out for Krishna. The boy demanded to know who that Krishna was. The mother said that he is Jadilan’s elder brother.

The next day the boy got frightened by the growl of a lion and called out for Krishna, his elder bother.

A beautiful boy with a divine smile appeared before Jadilan and escorted him to the school. He promised to come back in the evening to take Jadilan back home.

Jadilan did not know who the new boy was, but we all know who He was!

“இறை வழிபாட்டால் நன்மைகள்
இருக்கின்றனவா இல்லையா?”

தொன்று தொட்டு கேட்கப்படும்,
இன்று நேற்று அல்ல, இக்கேள்வி!

நண்பர்கள் இருவர் நடந்தனர்
நண்பகலில் ஒரு தனிவழியில்.

தென்பட்டது இறைவனின் ஆலயம்,
என்றோ எவராலோ கட்டப்பட்டது.

“வணங்கி வழிபடுவோம் வா” என
வருந்தி அழைத்த நண்பனிடம்,

“நான் வரவில்லை கோவிலுக்கு!
நான் இங்கே நிற்பேன் நீ செல்!”

என்றவன் நின்றான் வெளியே
நன்று எனச்சென்றான் மற்றவன்.

இறைவனை வழிபட்டவனை
கருந்தேள் கடித்து விட்டது!

வெளியே நின்றவனுக்கு ஒரு
வெள்ளிப் பணம் கிடைத்தது!

நினைக்க நினைக்க தாளவில்லை,
நிற்காமல் குருவிடம் சென்றான்.

“வணங்கிய எனக்கு தேள்கடியாம்,
வணங்காமுடிக்கு வெள்ளிப்பணம்!

குருவே இது என்ன நியாயம்?
இறைவனின் செயல்களிலே?”

கண்டார் ஞானதிருஷ்டியில் குரு,
கண்களால் காணமுடியாதவற்றை.

“மகனே! உனக்கு இன்று
மரணம் நிகழ இருந்தது.

இறை வழிபாட்டினாலேயே,
பாம்புக்கடி தேள்கடியாயிற்று!

உன் உயிரும் பிழைத்தது
உன் தெய்வ பக்தியினாலே!

வெளியே நின்ற நண்பனுக்கு
வெகு யோகமான நாள் இன்று!

புதையல் கிடைக்கும் யோகம்,
பூரணமாகப் பொருந்தியிருந்தாலும்,

இறைவழிபாடு இல்லாததால்,
சிறு வெள்ளிப் பணமே பரிசு!

ஆண்டவன் செயல்களை நாம்
ஆராய்ந்து அறிய முடியுமா?

நம்பிக்கையை இழக்காதே நீ!
தும்பிக்கையான் கைவிடான்”

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.
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Whether or not worshiping God has beneficial effects, is the question that has been asked for thousands of years.

Two friends were passing by a temple. One of them wanted to worship the deity and the other wanted to stay out and wait for him.

The friend who went into the temple got bitten by a venomous scorpion. The friend who had waited outside found a new shining silver coin!

The first man went to his guru and asked angrily,”Why I who worshiped the God got bitten by a scorpion and my friend who did not worship God a gift of a silver coin?”

Guru used his gnAna dhrushti and told him these startling truths.The first man was destined to be bitten by a cobra on that day! God with His infinite mercy had changed it to a mere scorpion bite.

His friend was destined to find a buried treasure. Since he did not worship God, he got merely a single silver coin.”

Who are we to understand or comment on the actions of God? As long as we never lose our faith and trust in Him, nothing bad will happen to us or trouble us!
Quotes by William Cowper.

Oh! Solitude! Where are the charms
That sages have seen in thy face? :confused:

Freedom has a thousand charms to show,
That slaves, howe'er contended, never know.:flock:

God made the country and man made the town.
Habit with him was all the test of truth,:flock:

"It must be right: I've done it from my youth." :bump2:

Secrets with girls, like loaded guns with boys,:gossip:

Are never valued till they make a noise. :attention:

George Crabbe.
It is True that an Indian wife LIVING in India is given a hard time! :caked:

It is equally true that an INDIAN husband LIVING in U.S.A. is given

an equally hard time! :croc:
Dear Friends!
I have just uploaded 100 more images in the Members' Galleries with the help of my busy son!
There is a story behind each of these photos.
Either I have already written about them in this very thread OR I will be writing about them very soon!
Happy viewing and NO NEED to log in!
with warm regards, :pray2:
Mrs.Visalakshi Ramani.
Richard Crashaw.

A face made up,:music:
Out of no other shop
Than what natures white hand sets ope.

A cheeke where growes
More than Morning Rose; :love:
Which to no Boxe his being owes.

Lipps, where all Day
A lover's kisse may play,:kiss:
Yet carry nothing thence away.
Do what you speak.
Speak what you think.
Think Good.
Once Your mind,speech and actions are in same line you succeed.You neednot worry abaout yourself.
Good Things will happen to you.

Not Albert Einstein,
But ,
[h=1]நேர்மையும், வாய்மையும்.[/h]
நேர்மை என்பது நம் மனம், மொழி,
செயல்களை ஒருமைப்படுத்துவதே.
நேரில் ஒன்றும், மறைவில் ஒன்றும்,
செய்யாதிருப்பதே நேர்மை ஆகும்.

பேச வேண்டும், நாம் எண்ணியதையே;
பேச்சும், எண்ணமும் வேறுபடக் கூடாது!
பேசியதையே நாம் செய்ய வேண்டும்;
பேச்சும், செயலும் மாறுபடக் கூடாது!

ஒன்றை நினைத்து, மற்றதைப் பேசினால்;
அழிந்து போகும் நம் வாக்கின் நேர்மை!
ஒன்றைப் பேசி, மற்றதைச் செய்தால்;
அழிந்து போகும் நம் உடலின் நேர்மை!

தன் நெஞ்சு அறிந்து பொய் சொன்னால்,
தன் நெஞ்சே தன்னைச் சுடும் என்றாலும்;
பொய்மையும் உயிர்களுக்கு நன்மை செய்தால்,
வாய்மையே ஆகும், இது வள்ளுவன் வாக்கு!

வாய்மை என்பது எந்த உயிர்களுக்கும்,
தீமை பயக்காததைச் சொல்வதே ஆம்.
வாய்மையை விடவும் சிறந்தது ஒன்று
வலை விரித்துத் தேடினாலும் கிட்டாது.

மனம், மொழி, செயல்கள் மாறுபடும்போது,
மனோ வியாதிகள் உற்பத்தி ஆகின்றன.
ஒருமைப்பாட்டையும், வாய்மையையும்
ஒருங்கிணைத்து நாம் வாழ்ந்திடுவோம்.

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.
There are strings ...in the human heart
that had better not be vibrated.:scared:

Annual income twenty pounds and annual expenditure

nineteen nineteen six, results in happiness.:dance:

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result in misery.:whoo:

Charles Dickens.
Quotes by Charles Dickens.

There are only two styles of portrait painting;
the serious and the smirk.:nerd: :nod:

Language was not powerful enough to describe the infant phenomenon.:tape2:

My life is one damn'd horrid grind!
Quotes by Charles Dickens.

When a man fell into his anecdotage :blabla:
it was sign for him to retire from the world.:couch2:

You know who the critics are?
The men who have failed in literature and art.:doh:

I was told that the Privileged and the People
formed two nations.

Privileged :decision: People
Love built on beauty,:love:
soon as beauty, dies.:rip:

Women are like the Arts, forc'd unto none,
Open to all searchers, unpriz'd if unknowne.:music:

No Spring, nor Summer, Beauty hath such grace,
As I have seen in one Autumnal face.:thumb:

Quotes by John Donne.

A Special request to the Unhappy People in the Forum.
You may read the third quote at least once a day
and try to remember it all your lives!
பணிவும், துணிவும்.

குனியக் குனியக் குட்டுபவர்கள் :whip:
பணிவை மட்டுமே எதிர்பார்ப்பார் :hail:

என்றும், எப்போதும், எல்லோரிடமும்!

குட்டுவதற்காகவே அவர்களின்

திரு அவதாரம் நிகழ்ந்தது போலவும்,

குட்டு வாங்கு
வதற்காகவே பிறர்

திரு அவதாரம் எடுத்தது போலவும்!

முறை மாறி நாமும் முறைத்தால்! :fencing:

The offended may forgive and forget!

The OFFENDER never ever forgives

the ones he/she had hurt on purpose!

LIFE is like that! :doh:

I have mixed feelings about the :whoo:

widely prevalent M.A.S! (Mutual Admiration Society).:flock:

But now I find that M. A. S. :tea:

is so much better than M. P. S.! :drama:

(For the sake of the those who can let their

imagination run amuck

M .P. S is just Mutual Patting Society!)
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The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more

difficult is it to bring it home. :spy:

All the other men are specialists,

but his specialism is omniscience. :nerd:

It has long been an axiom of mine that the :suspicious:

little things are infinitely the most important. :roll:

Quotes by Sir.Arthur Conan Doyle
I always remember the cartoon I used to see in
The Readers Digest.

Three women would be staring green-eyed at a happy and contented woman.

The reason...? :confused:

The first lady would have only vertical stripes in her dress.

The second lady would have only horizontal stripes on her dress and the third would be wearing a string of pearls!

The happy woman would have all the three on herself- the vertical stripes, the horizontal stripes as well as a string of pearls.

Yes. Jealousy is like the hair of Medusa - which can be one of those thousand different snakes - and can never really be cut down completely!

Those who are green-eyed bond and bind together so easily :grouphug:
since they SHARE a common aim :flock:
and have a common enemy as the first name in their hit list!!
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In pious times, ere priest craft did begin,
Before polygamy was made a sin. :nono:

Whatever he did was done with so much ease,:playball:
In him alone 'twas natural to please .:love:

Great wits are sure to madness allied. :rolleyes:

Quotes by John Dryden.
Quotes by John Dryden.

Better one suffer than a nation grieve.:decision:

And pity never ceases to be shown :roll:
To him who makes the people's wrongs his own.

Nor is the people's judgements always true; :laser:
The most may err as grossly as the few.
Quotes by John Dryden.

Our author by experience find it true, :doh:
"Tis much more hard to please himself than you.

When I consider life,'tis all a cheat;
Yet fooled with hope, men favor deceit.:spy:

All human things are subject to decay,:bump2:
And, when fate summons, monarchs must obey.
How true is the saying
"Man proposes and God disposes!" :nono:

The day I resumed my poem thread and decided to keep up the 'daily dose' of poems... the Internet HAD to go on strike. :smash:

It always happens on a weekend so that the minimum damage will last for 2 days and the maximum may extend till the next weekend-if so permitted!

It is more or a less an enforced vacation people are given in USA, twice a year!

I was in the seventh heaven with my little angel, my son and D.I.L! They took off on Friday night.

My husband went back to his 'duty' of looking after his physically challenged brother on Saturday morning!

The Internet took off on Saturday afternoon.

Any lesser person would have doubled under depression, but not yours faithfully...me!

I caught up with the next 39 episodes of the Tamil poems! :clap2:

What a way to beat depression and loneliness!

Only two more stories to be dealt with. The rest is just :typing: away like a mad madam!

Oh Boy! Am I happy with the outcome!

Moral of the incident...?

You can convert a curse into a boon ... if only
you knew how to do it!

Life IS like that!
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