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"Life is like that!"

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Madam Kunning 70+ & having crossed ups & downs now happily settled I personally do not agree to leave matters as LIfe is like that.Such afeeling could demotivate one unless the person has a high positive attitude & self motivating.We should decide our goal plan of action to achieve.I & my wife lived for our children & ensured they arewell settled.Even now they look to for guidance on how life should be.Can we say life is like tkat & not take any reasponsibility ?Hope u agree to disagree as kabil sibal.

Dear Mr. Raman Malli,

I am really unable to understand the above post.

Can you please clarify it for me?

I too do not like to let the ends hanging loose and become s loser.

My mottoes has always been

Hope for the best and

Prepare for the worst!

Winners never quit and

Quitters never win!

There is no pain without gain and

There is no gain with out pain.

with warm regards,
dear friends,

I guess I can maintain all the threads EXCEPT the thread A poem a day...

in the literature section.

So I will try to post as usual in the other threads, as far as possible.

To be poor and independent is very nearly an impossibility.:ohwell:

From a very early age, I had imbibed the opinion,
that it was every man's duty to do all that lay in his power to leave the country as good as he had found it.


William Cobbett.
Quotes by Jean Cocteau.

If it has to choose who will be crucified,
the crowd will always save the Barabbas.:flock:

Art is the science in the flesh.:thumb:
Quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Alone, alone, all, all alone,
Alone on a wide, wide sea!
And never a soul took pity on
My soul in agony.:whoo:

Oh! Sleep it is a gentle thing :sleep:
Beloved from pole to pole,
To Mary Queen, the praise be given!
She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven,:angel:
That slid into my soul.
My Bengali friend used to tell me often,

"If the cow that gives us milk gives us kicks, we have to grin and bear it!"

But for how long....? :shocked:

Isn't it much better NOT TO GO near the cow for milk :bolt:

than get kicked far more than the worth of the milk!!! :wacko:
My Bengali friend used to tell me often,

"If the cow that gives us milk gives us kicks, we have to grin and bear it!"

But for how long....? :shocked:

Isn't it much better NOT TO GO near the cow for milk :bolt:

than get kicked far more than the worth of the milk!!! :wacko:

I do not know whether you imply anything here. But being naive that I am, I literally go by cow and milk. Let us not get discouraged by what a Bengali said. Let us better learn what a Tamilian has said: "ஆடுற மாட்டை ஆடிக் கறக்கணும்; பாடுற மாட்டைப் பாடிக் கறக்கணும்"!
dear Mr. Siva,
I would rather learn to DO without milk than dance to the tunes of the dancing cow.
If the cow is naive, what you suggest may work out. But this one dances, sings and kicks liberally to make the others dance to its tunes! :shocked:
with warm regards,
your own post dated 25th June.

. . .

was posted in response to the kandraavi/ kaathuraavi/ kodunthamizh

kavithai about me calling me names like THARKURI and flooded

with every possible mistake in Tamil alphabets!

Your sympathy was on the one who ATTACKED me and

NOT on me who was affected by the attack.

He called names verbally and you did the same thing

visually using the above pictures.

The hit and run happened on 28th June-much later.

So the wave of sympathy will not hold good! I am really sorry!

Last edited:
Your own post dated 26th June in response to

dear Renu's post about
HER Ram and HIS SEETHA! :ballchain:

Dear sister gives 'Like' when her sibling is compared to Surpanakha!!

Hmmm ............Life is like that!!!

Sorry again! The hit-and-run-sympathy-wave is not going to help

you here also-since it happened on 28th JUNE-much later!

So you were fully aware of what you were writing at that time!
The thread Daily Dose of interesting information has ~ 18,000 views till

today. :thumb:

Yet someone dares to calls it a useless thread(payanatra thagavalgal!):doh:

We can wake up people who are asleep :sleep:

but not those who pretend to sleep! :nono:
[h=1]இருவகைத் துயில்கள்![/h]
உறங்குவதில் உண்டு இரு வகைகள்;
அறி துயில், அசல் துயில் என்ற இரண்டு.
பார்ப்பதற்கு ஒருபோலத் தோன்றினாலும்,
பலப்பல வேறுபாடுகள் உண்டு இவற்றில்!

திருமாலின் அறி துயில், உலகளாவிய
பெருமை பெற்றது என்பதை அறிவோம்;
திருமாலுக்குச் சற்றும் சளைக்காமல்,
பெறுவார் அறி துயில் மனிதருள் பலர்!

விழித்த கண்களோடு சிலர் உறங்குவர்;
வாயை மூடாமலேயே சிலர் உறங்குவர்;
சிம்ம கர்ச்சனையோடு சிலர் உறங்குவர்;
சிந்தித்தால் இவைகள் அறிதுயில் அல்ல!

வெளியே நடப்பவைகளை நன்கு அறிந்தும்,
வெளிப் பார்வைக்கு நன்கு உறங்குவதுபோல்,
பாசாங்கு செய்வதே அறிதுயில் ஆகும்;
பாடு படுத்தினாலும் அவர் கண் திறவார்!

தூங்குபவரை எழுப்பிவிடலாம்; ஆனால்
தூங்குவது போல் நடிப்பவரை அல்லவே!
பாசாங்கும் நல்ல பயன் அளித்திடும்,
பேசாமலே நாம் இருக்க விரும்பினால்!

தூங்கும் ஒரு சிங்கத்தை இடருவதும்,
தொங்கும் ஒரு புலி வாலை இழுப்பதும்,
அறி துயில் கொண்ட ஒருவரைச் சென்று
அறியாமல் நாம் எழுப்புவதும் சரி சமமே!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி

A little revision won't harm us!

There are two kind of sleep – the real and the feigned. They appear to be the same but they definitely are not the same.

The feigned sleep of Lord Vishnu is world famous. Many men can challenge Lord Vishnu with respect to their feigned sleep.

Some people sleep with their eyes wide open. Some others sleep with their mouths wide open. A few others roar like caged lions in their sleep. But none of these is feigned sleep.

Feigned sleep is one in which the person appears to be asleep while he is fully aware of everything happening around him. It is difficult to wake up such a person, since he is not really asleep in the first place.

We can wake up a person who is really asleep but not the one who feigns sleep, in order to avoid unwanted interactions.

Waking up such a person will have the same consequences as stumbling on a sleeping lion or pulling the tail of tiger.
Quotes by S.T. Coleridge.

A sadder and a wiser man,
he rose the morrow morn.:sleep:

Alas! they had been friends in youth;
But whispering tongues can poison truth.:gossip:

Often do the spirits

Of great events stride on before the events,:bolt:
And in to-day already walks to-morrow.:llama:
ஒரு நாள் மன்னன் பரீக்ஷித்து கண்டது,
ஒரு கால் எருதினை அடிக்கும் மனிதனை;

அருகினில் ஒரு பசு உருவினில் பூமகள்,
அருவியாய்ப் பெருகிடும் கண்ணீர் வழிந்திட;

முதல் யுகமான கிருத யுகத்தினில்,
முழு எருதாக இருந்தது தர்ம தேவதை.

தவம், ஆசாரம், தயை, சத்யம் என்ற
தன் கால்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றாய் இழந்து;

கலியுகத்தில் சத்யம் என்னும் ஒரே
காலுடன் தடுமாறுகின்றது தர்மம்.

தர்மத்துக்கு மட்டும் தான் இந்தப் பிரச்சனையா?
அதர்மத்துக்கும் உண்டு இதே போன்ற பிரச்சனை!

நான்கு தூண்கள் போல நன்கு தாங்கி நின்றனர்!
நான்கில் மூன்று போன திசை தெரியவில்லை!

ஒற்றைக் காலில் நிற்கும் தர்மத்தைப் போலவே
ஒற்றைத் தூணை நம்பி உள்ளது அதர்மமும் இன்று!

Narcissus or Narkissos

Narke means "sleep, numbness".

Narcissus was a hunter in Greek mythology, from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia.
He who was renowned for his exceeding beauty.

He was exceptionally proud, haughty and could love none but himself. In that he disdained those who loved him.

Narcissus was attracted to a pool by Nemesis-where he saw his own reflection in the waters and fell in love with it.

Not realizing that it was merely an image, a reflection of his own self, he was unable to leave the beauty of his reflection. Narcissus pined for his own love and died!

Moral of the story?

The one who loves none but himself /herself
has opted for a broken heart and a sad end!
Quotes by S.T. Coleridge.

And the Devil did grin, for his darling sin
Is pride that apes humanity.:becky:

What is an Epigram? a dwarfish whole,
Its body is brevity, and wit its soul.:thumb:

Swans sing before they die-"twere no bad thing :sing:
Should certain persons die before they sing. :rolleyes:
(Epigram on a Volunteer Singer)
your own post dated 25th June.

Untiring ......................

was posted in response to the kandraavi/ kaathuraavi/ kodunthamizh

kavithai about me calling me names like THARKURI and flooded

with every possible mistake in Tamil alphabets!

Your sympathy was on the one who ATTACKED me and

NOT on me who was affected by the attack.

He called names verbally and you did the same thing

visually using the above pictures.

The hit and run happened on 28th June-much later.

So the wave of sympathy will not hold good! I am really sorry!

Even when 'that' post followed Prof's post, could you not make out that I am writing to him?

So sad that you were in a haste! I think you suggested once to someone that there is no need

for 'quote' if the following mail is a reply to the person who posted it!

Yes, that reply was to Prof. Nara and NOT TO YOU!!

Any way, since I am the one in sad mood, you can enjoy interaction with your

and have fun time in this forum!! :thumb:
Your own post dated 26th June in response to

dear Renu's post about
HER Ram and HIS SEETHA! :ballchain:

Dear sister gives 'Like' when her sibling is compared to Surpanakha!!

Hmmm ............Life is like that!!!

Sorry again! The hit-and-run-sympathy-wave is not going to help

you here also-since it happened on 28th JUNE-much later!

So you were fully aware of what you were writing at that time!

So this
was meant for Renu is it?
Even when 'that' post followed Prof's post, could you not make out that I am writing to him?

So sad that you were in a haste! I think you suggested once to someone that there is no need

for 'quote' if the following mail is a reply to the person who posted it!

Yes, that reply was to Prof. Nara and NOT TO YOU!!

Any way, since I am the one in sad mood, you can enjoy interaction with your

and have fun time in this forum!! :thumb:

No one-not even the person you mentioned -

is going to believe it! And what a lot of fun the forum has

become now-a-days !
Anger is the WEAK man's imitation of STRENGTH.:fear:

He who knows what he is talking
NEED never lose his temper! :rant:

Shouting on the top of one's voice :yell:
his words correct or acceptable.:nono:

He who can not convince through reasoning
resorts to the use of force and foul language.
Madam V R I OWE 2 sorries 1.for not being able to convey myself clearly to u. 2. for delay in reply-was busy with my writing work. Now to topic.Normally the expression Lifr is like that is used when one allow things to happen in its own course & accepys result.I feel life can be more challenging & worth if we MAK THINGS HAPPEN. In fact nobody fails only unsuccessful.& even sucess is not a destination as things are to be always bettered.Can Tendulkar continue even now if he felt he hs succeeded?
Ur motto pl dont mistake me , is passive Why just hope for the best to come Set a goal ,desrve for it .chalk out action plan & act.Hanuman is the best preacher cum practiser of all management strategies & i learn a lot from him'. keenly awaiting ur response
Asirvadams RAMAN MALLI
Dear Mr. Raman Malli,

No need to say Sorry even ONCE!

All of us are busy with various activities in life. So I can understand

the shortage of free time:)

I do not sit tight and expect things to happen on their own. So may be

my attitude can not be called as passive. Also I have written 'prepare

for the worst' which implies some hard work from my side.

Man proposes and God disposes. So when I said 'hope for the best'

I implied that we should always be positive in our outlook but if God

wishes the other way we should accept it.

I believe in the "Plan your work-Work your plan" policy!.

Otherwise I could not have become whatever I am today.

I would have been just another

fat-old-mad-dame in her sixties (???)

Hanuman is my God too. :hail:

I get power, courage , ability to argue, fearlessness and many other

positive qualities from Him. :ballchain:

Jai bajrangabali!

with warm regards, :pray2:
Visalakshi Ramani.
Quotes by S.T.Coleridge.

Ah! far removed from all that glad the sense,
From all that softens or ennobles Man,
The wretched Many! :whoo:

No man was ever yet a great poet, :laser:
without being at the same time a profound philosopher.

That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment,:spy:
which constitutes the poetic faith.
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