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"Life is like that!"

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As there is use in medicine for poison,:spit:
so the world cannot move without rogues.:spy:

Art is a jealous mistress, and if a man has a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy,
he makes a bad husband :doh:
and an ill provider. :hungry:

Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Any domestic quarrel will :fencing:
End with these words of thrill;

"This is the last straw.
No more of this etcetera!" :caked:

Words may be cast,
Astonishingly fast; :argue:

Making people aghast,
Claiming to be the last! :bolt:

Standing out like a mast,
Talking of the days past!

Creating impacts vast,
They might still get lost!

WHY? Since they aren't
Really really THE LAST!

If you want, apply the acid test;
For this is not just a pointless jest!
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சிந்தையில் நிலைத்து நிற்கும்
விந்தை மனிதர்களைப் பற்றிச்

சிந்திக்க மறந்துவிட்டேனோ எனச்
சிந்தாகுலம் அடைய வேண்டாம்.

"தினம் ஒரு கவிதை"யில் கவனம் உள்ளதால்
தினமும் அது பின்னுக்குத் தள்ளப்படுகின்றது.

நானும் அதை எதிர்நோக்குகின்றேன்,
நீண்ட நாட்களாக வெகு ஆர்வத்துடன்!

"Sentences vs Sentences " முடிந்தவுடன்
சிந்தையில் விந்தைமனிதர்கள் தொடங்கும்!
மொழிக் கொலைகள் பலவகை!

மொழிக் கொலைகளில் சிலவகைகள்
மொழிக் கொலையாளிகள் கவனத்திற்கு!

மொழியையே கொல்லுவது...
வழிகளில் இது உத்தமமானது! :first:

மொழி மாற்றம் செய்யும் போது
மொழியின் கொலை மத்திம வகை! :second:

மொழி இன்னொன்றிலேயே சொந்த
மொழியின் கொலை அதம வகை! :third:

"கத்தியா? கயிறா? விஷமா?" என்றால்
எத்தைச் சொல்வோம் என் போன்றவர்! :tape:

அத்தனை நூல்களிலும் நுழைவதில்லை!
பித்துப் பிடிக்காமல் இருப்பதற்காகவே!!
Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Adhere to your own act, and congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant, :shocked:
and broken the monotony of a decorous age. :moony:

A friend may well be reckoned as the master piece of of Nature.:hug:

Society is everywhere in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members.


I read most of you quotes and I reached a conclusion that you understand what is life, I read in one of site that "women are born politicians " could you please clarify whether this is correct or wrong. I asking this question because I want to understand the mentality of women...

if you fell I am wrong in asking such a question then I am sorry .

sreenivasa Chary

As there is use in medicine for poison,:spit:
so the world cannot move without rogues.:spy:

Art is a jealous mistress, and if a man has a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy,
he makes a bad husband :doh:
and an ill provider. :hungry:

Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

I read most of you quotes and I reached a conclusion that you understand what is life, I read in one of site that "women are born politicians " could you please clarify whether this is correct or wrong. I asking this question because I want to understand the mentality of women...

if you fell I am wrong in asking such a question then I am sorry .

sreenivasa Chary

If there is anything which is really unfathomable,

it is a woman's mind and her mentality!

Women may or may not be born politicians

but surely they are the best manipulators-

as is being proved everywhere all the time!

My husband's friend of 40 years always says this;

"Women know inherently how to control the male

members in their family through food (and bed).

Now they have the additional advantage of good

education. So SKY is the limit for their controlling


I am sure he has more a than a point there!!
quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men-that is genius.:thumb:

Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.:ballchain:

I like the silent church :tape:
before the service begins,
better than any preaching.
Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Artists must be sacrificed to their art. Like bees they must put their lives into the sting they give.

Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. :faint:

It is only when the mind and character slumber :sleep:
that the dress can be seen.
Gone with the rain!

Her name was the time of the "rising Sun",
And her face was as lovely as the full moon!

Spic and span at all odd hours,
Smiling and serving all the others!

I know her for just years ten,
And yet my heart she has stolen!

Closer to me than my own sibling,
Always happy in joyous bubbling!

Even when come here as a guest,
She would help and play the host!

She just left without saying "bye! bye!",
Never gave a hint that she is going die!

Broken hearted she must have been,
When her son married a Christian!

Her daughter is yet to married,
Left her often deeply worried!

She just took off like a "poof!"
For god's existence I need proof!

Why did those words inauspicious,
Made my poem very conspicuous?

Did I know that there will be a crash,
When I was writing about the trash?

Left for Bangalore in a large car,
But reached eternity, age no bar!

Life is so complex that we hardly feel,
Until the unforeseen kicks with a heel!

No more of petty forum quarrels!
Nor posts but those of good morals!

Had I hurt any one of you here,
I beseech your dear pardon for sure!

Life is indeed a serious stuff,
Not to wasted in spurious huff!

I am off to pray for her dear soul,
That it may rest in Heavens' bowl!

A tearful farewell to Mrs. Usha Subbian,
the wife of my husband's class mate,
and very good friend of everyone
who was lucky enough to know her.

Her co-sister-in-law and her family also died
in a horrible car crash three years ago!

Makes me wonder and ponder,
"Has God really blindfolded Himself
as the Goddess of Justice has done?"
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Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We are taught by great actions that the universe is the property of every individual in it. :peace:

The bitterest tragic element in life is the belief in a brute Fate or Destiny. :ballchain:

The machine unmakes the man.

Now that the machine is so perfect, :laser:
the engineer is nobody.
Now I believe the nursery rhyme
"For want of a nail" whole heartedly!

My friend lost her life for want of (wearing) a belt!

All the others who had obeyed the law and worn their seat belts survived the somersaults done by their car.

My poor friend must have got thrown around in the large car, banging so many times and in so many different places.
#8. For Want Of a Nail.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

This rhyme contains a series of events following one another in a logically progressive manner! The causes and effects are listed in an amazingly impressive manner to the children.

The child is taught that a seemingly unimportant event or a thoughtless action may end up in creating very serious problems later in life!

The references to the horses, the riders and kingdom etc indicate the English origin of the rhyme. Most of the English Kings did not leave anything to chance.

King Edward III commanded obligatory practice of archery on all holidays and Sundays. This was to make sure that his archers remained in good shape!

Benjamin Franklin included a version of this rhyme in his Poor Richards Almanack.

During the World War II, this verse was framed and hung on the wall of the Anglo American Supply Head Quarters in London, England.

Visalakshi Ramani
I am sorry to here that you lost a good friend 3 years ago, you poem is really heart touching, I could understand how difficult it must be when you first heard about the bad news and I just get a feeling that her memories are still fresh in your mind...

I am much younger than you, though I donot have age to advice you but I want to tell you only one thing " God always calls good people early ".

I lost my dear friend yesterday night and came to know about it today morning around 10 A.M.

She was as cool as the moon and looked like one too. She maintained her body like a collegian. She was always ready to help every one without being asked to do so.

She had the most cheerful countenance.

Today I was shattered to see her head shaved ( due to the postmortem) and her face changed so much with all the manjal and kunkumam applied on her face.

She looked even leaner and taller than usual. The whole group was crying and sniffing. The shock will remain with me always I think!

God must let the good people (who form the minority) live longer so that they can balance the effect of the majority (who happen to be evil).

Thanks for your feedback. You are a almost decade younger than my elder son.

with best wishes,
Visalakshi Ramani.

I am sorry to here that you lost a good friend 3 years ago, you poem is really heart touching, I could understand how difficult it must be when you first heard about the bad news and I just get a feeling that her memories are still fresh in your mind...

I am much younger than you, though I donot have age to advice you but I want to tell you only one thing " God always calls good people early ".


I am not too young I was born 3 decades ago, still I am little childish, thats the way I would like to be ... any how
as a elder friend could u tell me how to understand a female and any tips that would help me in this regard

sreenivasa Chary

I am not too young I was born 3 decades ago, still I am little childish, thats the way I would like to be ... any how
as a elder friend could u tell me how to understand a female and any tips that would help me in this regard

sreenivasa Chary

I am older to you too..so let me offer help to you as an elder friend.

Ok boy..since you want to understand females.Let me caution you that we females ourselves sometimes don't really understand ourselves too well.
Anyway the best advise always comes from people who don't really understand themselves too well so I can help out here.

Ok..i will go point form.

1)In life when we analyze too much we kind of get no where..seen this in lots of my patients..who land in lots of problems cos they tend to over analyze and eventually need anti depressants.

2)Take life as it comes.Dont think of yesterday or even tomorrow cos we only and always have the present.
Same with understanding woman..no need to be like Cheran (Autograph) and compare and contrast as in Gnabagam Varuthey and end up ruining the present with which ever female we are with at present.
Most guys who do this eventually sing Kadavul Pathi Mirugam Pathi and become a Psycho.

3)You have to understand that woman are estrogen based creatures and the estrogenic cycle is like waxing and waning of the moon on the mind.So sometimes you see some Bipolar types of behavior in some or most woman too.
Dont try to understand this..cos I dont too.

4)Woman like attention and love from the person they LOVE and let it be a constant supply .

5)Pay the woman you love regular attention.Shower her with suprises from time to time..not gifts but some form of attention.

6)You have to understand that the modern woman is trying to balance being a career woman and a home maker and this sometimes makes her tired mentally so she would like the man she loves to be there for her when she wants to talk and also to help her out in duties.

7)Dont try to control or change a woman.Many men chase after a woman totally opposite of what they like and try to mould her to fit into their imagination.This is hard cos no one really can change.
So go for a woman who is your dream girl and not try to make her your dream girl..you will end up in a nightmare!!

8)Don't compare a woman with your mother or sisters.Many men tend to do this and ruin relationships.No two people are alike.Even identical twins have different finger prints.

9)Never imagine too much of how you even want marriage to be.Life is a challenge we have to face it on daily basis.
Some guys build too many castles in the air about how marriage should be and when things don't turn out the way they want it..everthing crumbles.

10)Last but not least..Do you understand what you really want to know?
Dear Kutty friend!

NOBODY can understand a woman.

Not even herself I am sure! She is one of nature's puzzles.

She is defined as "The necessary evil that

a man can neither live with, nor live without!"

So give up this vain effort of trying to UNDERSTAND her.

Also Females can be as varied as the males.

So there is no single formula or equation to put them in.

If you want to know about a particular female,

watch her words, behavior, her body language, her

expressions and her reactions.

You may take the help of a lady in your family

(your mom, sister, maami, chithi, athai, paatti )

anyone who can SEE her and guide you properly.

All I can say from this remote distance is that

All men are NOT rogues and

All women are not ANGELS!
The Night and our fright.

I had spent a sleepless night,
Tossing in bed with the insight!

Human life is so ephemeral,
And is also so full of trouble.

Scattered voices were soon heard,
When people should have been in bed!

What was keeping these people awake?
At middle of the night, for whose sake?

Soon the murmuring grew louder
And the news that made us sadder!

The young man who is our secretary,
Had also taken off to enter eternity!

Hurry, curry, worry and scurry,
Are the bane of modern society.

Hurry he always did, to meet
With the doctors' appointment!

Worry too, he must have been in,
With many problems unforeseen!

Curry is also a very likelihood,
Being of non veg brotherhood.

Did heavy smoking claim its price?
And took his soul away in a trice?

It was all the way merely digene,
When an E.C.G it should have been!

The whole colony is off-mood,
This is surely not for our good.

Miseries I believe strike us once,
Or in threes, but never ever twice!

What will be the unknown third?
The worry had made me feel tired!

Third too happened just as I feared!
Our plumber's own brother's suicide.

What varied ways end the human lives!
By oversight, neglect and wantonness!

உறவுகள் உயிர் உள்ளவரையில் தான்!

யாவத் பவனோ நிவஸதி தே3ஹே
தாவத் ப்ருச்சதி குச'லம் கே3ஹே |
க3தவதி வாயௌ தே3ஹாபாயே
பா4ர்யா பி3ப்4யதி தஸ்மின் காயே ||

உடலில் மூச்சுக் காற்றுள்ள வரையே வீட்டில் உள்ளவர்கள் உன் நலத்தை விசாரிப்பார்கள். பிராணன் பிரிந்துவிட்டால், நீ கூடிக்குலாவிய உன் மனைவிகூட உன் உடலைக்கண்டு அஞ்சுகின்றாள்.

I actually witnessed this happen today!

The wife refused to see the dead body of her husband
who had passed away in his sleep and looked just as if in deep slumber.

No distortions or pain or shock in his face.

The 12 year old boy did not realize the impact of the incident on his life and future.

The wife sat beating her chest and forehead but was unable to cry-since she refused to see her dead husband!

Thank you very much for your kind reply in the first place, you reply is very good I could get a lot of info about females from your mail . I believe you are a doctor. I want to tell you recently ex- lover go married to another guy, some of my friends started telling all bad things about the girls like they look for wealth and position of a person with whom they get married etc. I couldnot believe all thoese stuff , I strated to think about my faults so that I can correct them, thats the reason I was asking about the females mentality.
if you cn give me your mail id then I will mail you the entire things what happened between us

sreenivasa Chary

Thank you very much for your kind reply in the first place, you reply is very good I could get a lot of info about females from your mail . I believe you are a doctor. I want to tell you recently ex- lover go married to another guy, some of my friends started telling all bad things about the girls like they look for wealth and position of a person with whom they get married etc. I couldnot believe all thoese stuff , I strated to think about my faults so that I can correct them, thats the reason I was asking about the females mentality.
if you cn give me your mail id then I will mail you the entire things what happened between us

sreenivasa Chary

Yes I am a doctor.Ok coming to non medical points of life..from the Karmic Point of view sometimes people come into our lifes to settle a Karmic Debt and once the debt is settled the relationship can just get over.

Never dwell in the past and don't blame yourself for any break up and don't listen to anyone cos to make you feel better guys will bad mouth a girl and vice versa after a break up.

Forget the past..its gone.As I said don't analyse where things go wrong.Just move on with life.
People even get divorced and move on with life. Just take this episode as an experience.
All of us feel hurt when something bad happens.It hurts like hell that time but time heals all wounds and when we look back sometimes we feel that it was a blessing that bad things happen too so that we grow with life and maturity.
We learn more when we make mistakes in life.

Just keep options open and look out for a new babe that can fill the vacant spot in your life.

P.S This song explains well..don't even bother blaming yourself.Just launch your next "attack"!!!

Alwarpetai Aaluda song - Vasool Raja MBBS - YouTube
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Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write in your heart that every day is the best day of the year. No man ad learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday. :scared: :fear:

Nature is full of freaks, and now puts an old head on young shoulders :nerd:
and than a young heart beating under
fourscore winters.
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