Dear Vaagmi ji,
Nope...its not politics..I am being honest here.
When we are caste blind..caste should not matter anymore.
Dr Renu - I think I know what you mean but the words may mean something else for some people..
Let me explain.
'Caste blind', 'creed blind' , 'race blind' - people advocating such statements (not you, Dr Renu) generally tend to be casteists, racists ..etc.
The truth is that there are differences in each and every being - living or non living. We have various names and forms and we differ both individually and even collectively as a group. People from one region could be taller on the average than those from another region. It is even possible that on an average people may perform well on an intellectual activity from one group to another.
So differences will at individual level and collective levels will always exist.
The one that thinks they are better will always try to exploit the one who is not. Even in a jungle the predator goes after the weakest of the species to satisfy its needs. Human being mostly afflicted with excessive greed will always use any means to exploit others. While I am not a history buff the weakest group always gets subdued by force.
Even at this forum there are some who like to play 'holier than thou' by protesting too much to the word 'Brahmin'.
The subtle statement - and it is not all that subtle to many - is to assert own superiority over others by the following means
1.'Acting' most rational and above caste-thinking, admonishing others,
2. Always bringing up caste at every opportunity, looking ways to twist innocent statements,
3. Blaming current generation for past sins of another generation and
4. Superimposing bad traits simply because of a common identity.
Rather than being caste blind , race blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind let us actually recognize the uniqueness of individuals for who they are by acknowledging the differences both at individual level and collective level, and celebrate the diversity in 'creation'.
This does not mean one has to keep quiet if there is overt discrimination based on artificially superimposed characteristics on any group.
Let me use a few example of what all constitute Adharma.
Let us take the use of the words Brahmins, Brahminism and all its variation. There are those that fashionably act allergic to this word by how they react. There is already a lot of mischief done to malign the word. How this is done is despicable when the word means something else in Sanskrit. Let me use an example of how this happens.
There is an ex-Senator (US) by name Rick Santorum who even made unsuccessful bid to run for President in the last cycle. I do not like this person's politics and what he stands for. He is against gays and thinks it is a sin etc based on quoting some scriptures. What the gay group did to him was also despicable in my view - they took his last name and assigned a very crude, vulgar and bad meaning to it. If you Google his last name you will find out.. Though I do not stand for this person's policy I am against maligning this fellow's family name with this very vulgar and gross meaning. This senator is now immortalized with this another meaning to his last name.
The word Brahminism is also maligned in the same manner. Anyone that pushes this knowing that there are many that carry this tag is not a kind person towards others. It does not matter what they say - their mind is corrupted in my view. I hope they will correct themselves.
I think we can all stand against unfair discrimination based on any attribute - race, caste, gender, national origin, sexual orientation. The reason is that human beings are born without being able to select those attributes. I did not have any say as to where I was born, who was my parents, what race my body was characterized as .. etc. So using any of this to discriminate others is Adharma and we need to stand against that.
There are women in the work place and if they do the same work as a man they need to be paid the same. This does not mean they have to dress and act as a man.
Similar things go with someone born in any so called caste. If someone is born Brahmin , strives to live up to the word - let us respect that. If someone is not born as a Brahmin but strives to the same goal let us give them the same respect.
I have come across many Americans who have showed enormous maturity by what they have learnt and how they act. I have willingly gone and done Namaskarams to them when opportunity came up because in my mind they are living up to the ideals I admire. This does not mean I am blind to the fact that they are born in a different race. It is simply that the learning and mature behavior is not a dependent function of this person's birth characteristics.
Let us celebrate the diversity of the world we live in and not be blind to it