Today the SV Brahmins are just as worse, or even more, as the Smartha ones when it comes to varna haughtiness. A well known SV scholar, revered Acharya, and a prolific writer from Oppiliyappan Kovil stopped going to the temple when it was thrown open to Dalits. Being a scholar he surely knew it was SV Brahmins who first implemented temple entry by dalits more than 1000 years ago, albeit only for three days a year. Still, this great SV acharya and scholar so couldn't bear to see dalits freely enter the temple of the perumal he loved, he refused to enter it. How much have they fallen -- this is the kind of example such eminent people who ought to know the SV history came to set for others. It is no wonder that many Brahmin SVs today are completely oblivious to the fact that in its inception SV was a truly progressive, and even revolutionary movement, continue to espouse casteist thinking.
Azhvar pasurams are filled with revolutionary messages with respect to varna, both implicit and explicit. One azhvar says it is the Brahmins who are real pulaiya if even the thought of what varna a bhagavatha belongs to crosses his mind. The early Brahmin commentators also tried to be as true to the revolutionary spirit as possible, but some of them, for whatever reason, put limits to these ideas in their commentary. When it was possible to interpret கொடுமின், கொள்மின் as take and give bride, they explicitly restricted the phrase to mean only giving and taking knowledge and giving and taking ஸ்ரீபாத தீர்த்தம். Even this restricted interpretation is too much for the present day SV Brahmins to stomach, they will never let NBs into their circle, let alone accept ஸ்ரீபாத தீர்த்தம், are you kidding me. Even if the great வியாக்யான சக்ரவர்த்தி himself comes in flesh and blood and tells these SV Brahmins to follow the interpretation he gave in his commentary some 900 years ago, these hypocrites will accuse him of misinterpreting himself and of brahmin hatred and of brahmin bashing, etc., etc. Good for him time travel is not possible.
SVs of this period were in the vanguard of progressive change, even though the revolutionary spirit of Azhvar pasurams was getting diluted. More than 1000 years ago it was a Brahmin SV who systematized Azhvar's poems and put an NB at the top of the acharya lineage for all SVs follow. Just think about this for a minute. It was circa 10th century CE, a time of Brahmincal ascendency, the Brahminical dharmashasthra rules were the law of the land. It was in this environment Sriman Nathamunigal put Nammazhvar at the head of the lineage. All SVs, Brahmins and NBs alike recited the praise of Nammazhvar everyday and they still do. Then they meant it, the SV gurukulam included Dalits, for which some of the SV Brahmins faced severe and even violent backlash from Smartha Brahmins. Today they simply parrot the words with only haughtiness in their mind. NBs are welcome only if they have money, otherwise they will be treated like dirt.
Rebuttal of the content welcome, and if it is free of ad hominems or meta-data distractions I will answer ....