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Think it over!

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Time is neither a Fact nor a Factor.
It is purely relative.
We do not need to understand the complicated Theory of Relativity to know this.
While doing something we enjoy doing, time simply flies!
When forced to do something or made to wait for some reason
time hangs so heavily on us!
In addition to being Neither a Fact nor a Factor
time is a continuous stream like a river.
That is why people can travel along the time river
either to the past or to the future.
Back to the Future is as true as Back to the Past!

Always be ready to speak your mind
and a base man will avoid you. :bolt:
William Blake.

I wish that not only no act but no thought
of mine should be unknown.

Thomas Jefferson.

Whenever one has anything unpleasant to say
one should always be quits candid. :spy:
Oscar Wilde.

Candor, my tepid Friend,
Come not to play with me; :nono:
The Myrrhs and Mochas of the Mind
Are its inequity.
Emily Dickinson
Dear VRJi,

Yesterday I was very busy the whole day cos my mum was not feeling well and I took her to my clinic(i am closed on sundays so i had all the time to check her alone in my clinic).Ok I ran lots of test for her and awaiting some results.
But I was not too happy with her ECG reading so I told her to take complete rest till all her other results were ready.

So when we went home I helped her doing the laundry and pressing clothes.
My dad did the dishes and cooked his own meal.

Ok meanwhile my father was telling us about how some hot news of some man whole holds lots of prayers in his house.
The gossip was that man has a mistress and news was spreading like wild fire cos he has grown up children.
I was not too surprised cos I always doubt the outwardly holy types!!LOL
So my father was saying that he feels uncomfortable to go for the house prayers cos many people have dropped too after knowing this scandalous fact.

Ok then when me and my dad finished all the work..my mum walks into the kitchen and also sees the clothes I pressed and starting grumbling that it was not prefect!!She was not happy with the dishes my father washed.
She wanted to do everything again herself.I didn't allow that at all and insisted she rested and she was still stubborn.

My dad was getting pissed and I told my mum "its easier to appease even God but its next to impossible to ever appease you"

But my mum still won't give in and insisted she re do the work.My dad was also getting angry with her that she didn't want to rest.

Then I asked my dad "Can you call up that guy who has a wife and a mistress and ask him how he manages to have 2 females in his life?Managing one wife itself is so hard how on earth does he manage both"

My mother gave me the worst look ever and told me "Renu you think like a man"

Moral of the story: Its easy to appease Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and even Lord Vishnu but NOT the Kitchen God!!
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Dear Renu,

I hope your MOM feels better today and there is nothing seriously wrong with her.

When my son became a tenured professor in 2004,

I asked him about that post since the word was new to me.

He replied in the shortest possible manner.

"You can argue with Satan but NOT with a tenured professor!" :argue:

I think every MOM can be safely added to the list of people

whom one can neither please nor plead with. :)
Dear Renu,

I hope your MOM feels better today and there is nothing seriously wrong with her.

When my son became a tenured professor in 2004,

I asked him about that post since the word was new to me.

He replied in the shortest possible manner.

"You can argue with Satan but NOT with a tenured professor!" :argue:

I think every MOM can be safely added to the list of people

whom one can neither please nor plead with. :)

Dear VR Ji,

Thank you for good wishes.I am awaiting some results before I refer her to a cardiologist.
I can't afford to worry now cos I need to keep my mind clear to be able think and diagnose her.

Thank you for good wishes once again.
I know how difficult it is for a doctor to treat her/his own close relatives,
since everything aquires a personal touch pushing back the professional touch.
Dear VR Ji,

Thank you for good wishes.I am awaiting some results before I refer her to a cardiologist.
I can't afford to worry now cos I need to keep my mind clear to be able think and diagnose her.

Thank you for good wishes once again.
A person who SULKS too much will :suspicious:
be transformed in to a HULK! :scared:

The Hulk is the emotional and impulsive alter ego

of the withdrawn, silent and reserved person!! :tape:
The conceited wife tried to shake off her husband.

But he held on to her like a leech.

When his friend told him,

"I am sure you love your wife to much!"

The man replied in a solemn voice,

"I love my house too much!"

He knew that if ever they get divorced,

she will get his house and his car.

He will get his coat, hat and a boot.
Our spiritual guru used to say very often,

The Image we think we have created in only imaginary.

How true are his words!

When I watch the ad in which the ex-charming hero Rajesh Kanna says,

"Mere fans mujse koi nahi cheen sakthaa!"

I actually feel like shedding tears.:Cry:

He is just a shadow/ a mere ghost of what he had been.

So much for the imaginary image!!! :doh:


Why do i feel like crying???

1. My first son was nicknamed Rajesh
like every other boy born in that period.:baby:

2. "Mere sappanonki raani kab ayegi thoo?"
song is the all time favorite of my husband! :sing:
With eating all these SEEDS :popcorn:

can I hope to become chic as a chicken again???:)

Once a Chic, you are always a chic! Now that you write so much, it makes you kind of 'sthiram jeevi chic'! If you don't open your mouth about your age, who is to know? You may very well talk about all those artritis pain etc in general, can't you?

Jokes aside, yes, flax seed does help rejuvinate energy because it helps better blood circulation and reduces inflammation.


நர நாராயணர்களாக அவதரித்த இறைவன்,
வரங்கள் பலவற்றைத் தர விரும்பினாலும்,
இறைவனின் மாயா விலாசத்தை காணவே,
மறை முனிவர் மார்க்கண்டேயர் விழைந்தார்.

வீசும் காற்றாலும், பெய்யும் மழையாலும்,
வாசம் செய்து வந்த உலகமே மூழ்கிவிட்டது!
எங்கு நோக்கினும் சுழித்து ஓடும் நீர்தான்,
எங்குமே எதுவுமே காணப்படவில்லை!

பத்துக் கோடி ஆண்டுகள் தனிமையிலே
ஒற்றையாகச் சுழன்றவர் பிறகு கண்டார்,
ஆல் இலை மேல் ஒரு அழகிய குழந்தையை;
கால் விரலை வாயில் இட்டுச் சுவைப்பவனை!

தழுவ விரும்பி அதன் அருகே சென்றவரை,
முழுதுமாக கவர்ந்தது உள் மூச்சுக் காற்று.
முழு உலகமும் கண்டார் குழந்தையினுள்!
முழுதுமாய் வெளி வந்தார் வெளி மூச்சில்.

மீண்டும் குழந்தையைத் தழுவ முயன்றவர்,
மீண்டும் தன் ஆசிரமத்திலேயே இருந்தார்!
காற்று, வெள்ளம், மேகம், மழை, சுழல்கள்
பார்த்த எல்லாம் மாயா விலாசம் அல்லவா?

மாயையின் சக்தியை வெல்வது கடினம்.
மாலவன் பூரண அருள் இருந்தால் அன்றி
மாயையை வெல்லவே முடியாது என்று
மாதவனே தன் கீதையில் உரைக்கின்றான்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.

If the 16 year old Maarkhandeyar can be depicted with a beard,

then I too can hope to depicted as young - in the reverse direction! :)
"peep! peep!" :decision: "cluck! cluck!"

Once a Chic, you are always a chic! Now that you write so much, it makes you kind of 'sthiram jeevi chic'! If you don't open your mouth about your age, who is to know? You may very well talk about all those artritis pain etc in general, can't you?

Jokes aside, yes, flax seed does help rejuvinate energy because it helps better blood circulation and reduces inflammation.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for Self Actualization at the top.

While the pyramid has become the de facto way to represent the hierarchy, surprisingly Maslow himself never used a pyramid to describe these levels in any of his writings on the subject.

The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called "deficiency needs" or "d-needs": esteem, friendship and love, security, and physical needs.

With the exception of the most fundamental and physiological needs, if these "deficiency needs" are not met, the body gives no physical indication although the individual may feel anxious and tense.

Maslow's theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire and focuses motivation upon the secondary or higher level needs.

Maslow also coined the term Metamotivation to describe the motivation of people who go beyond the scope of the basic needs and keep striving for constant betterment. This type of people are driven by B-needs (Being Needs), instead of deficiency needs (D-Needs).

The human mind and brain are complex and have parallel processes running at the same time, so many different motivations from different levels of Maslow's pyramid usually occur simultaneously.

Maslow was clear about speaking of these levels and their satisfaction in terms such as "relative" and "general" and "primarily". He says that the human organism is "dominated" by a certain need. The individual is not focused "only" on a certain need at any given time.

So Maslow acknowledges that many different levels of motivation are likely to be going on in a human all at once. His focus in discussing the hierarchy was to identify the basic types of motivations. The order that they generally progress as lower needs are reasonably well met.

As always climbing higher is tougher!
Maslow theorgy motivation is generally discussed at management level conferences.
It is either called as Maslow Needs Pyramid or Maslow's needs triangle. It is nothing
but a motivation of human beings by unsatisfied or unfulfilled needs in order to
satisfy some lower factors before proceeding into higher level of needs. It is placed
as under :
Self Actualization
Esteem Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs

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