annAth bhavanthi boothAni
Whatever you eat becomes YOU. :hungry:
AND You become what you think. :dizzy:
In olden days man used to win the bread for the family and
the woman in the house used to make the bread for the family.
(The bread is NOT the bread we buy but represents all the food we eat.)
Woman used to take bath early in the morning and cook food chanting any slokas and sthuthis she knew by heart. The food eaten was clean, hot, holy and healthy. And people always used to eat fresh food ...thanks to the absence of fridge and other facilities to store cooked food.
The left over food on its way to getting spoiled was supposed to develop tAmasic qualities. Small wonder people who eat these sleep on till the Sun is at its zenith.
Eating very spicy food develops rAjasic qualities. Small wonder some people are always high strung and ever ready to fly into a rage.
Eating in moderation the fresh and well balanced food develops sAtvic qualities. The person is calm, bright, safe to interact with and harmless.
But people cook large quantities of food and store them as long as possible. Small portions are taken out, heated or microwaved and consumed at regular intervals - until the food turns bad unmistakably!
Eating Fresh homemade food has become a strange concept in many parts of the world
So some male speakers, to whom ladies willingly listen to, have to come out on the stage, hold a mike and preach the greatness of cooking! :doh: