What a sad contrast! A real child looking like an alien!!!
Are these the same trio or are my eyes playing tricks on me???
Must be the same since the room is the same!
Dear VR ji,
Kindly do not compare this child with ET.
This poor child is severely undernourished..lost all subcutaneous fat and also lost the fat in his cheeks..so anyone would look a bit out of this world in starvation.
Please do not see an "alien" in this child..just see the sadness in his eyes yet his eyes have a glimmer of hope.
Wherever this child is lets hope he has recovered.
Dear VR ji,
I think these siblings are a case in India where their father can't cope feeding them cos they have a genetic disorder that makes them overtly hungry and gain weight.
If I am not mistaken I think this is the case where the father wanted to sell his own kidney to raise funds to treat his children.
Dear VR ji,
Some cases of obesity have a genetic and endocrinal causative factor where metabolism slows down and even without eating much a person gains weight.Even physical activity hardly helps such cases.