the reason tourists flock warm weather places, and that too only in the winter when it is negative celsius here for months, is to have a touch of the sun on the skin. nothing more. nothing less. this i have to tell you, because i also go to warm weather places in the winter, and it is definitely not to get sexually aroused
One who is living in real India and one who has not emigrated to the Western world and who sees India without pink glasses and also who does not depend on Neeya-Naana episodes to form opinion about tourists is very much aware of the hippie culture that these warm weather seeking tourists brought to India in the 1970s and their unbridled debauchery, decadence and "High" social and cultural values.
Add to that. the sex orgy indulged in by the followers of Rajneesh in the ashram at Pune, much is known about at least of some of the requirements of these warm weather seeking white tourists.
And one has to have a mere glance at the crime records of various police stations in urban India to know about the pedophilia tendencies of some of the white tourists, a crime which is equal to, if not greater than, the rape which is being decried here. God only knows how many cases were swept under the carpet by the country because of their need for U S $$$$$$$$ and the greedy police and politicians.
In this forum it has to be admitted that all the perversions by white men (and women) are all by a fringe section of the white race, whereas the whole of Indian male population is a supporter of rape or they are rape apologists !!!!!!!