If what you say is true, then why this OP and the lament
I have two grandsons aged 6 and 2 years. I don't know what my grandsons - british citizens - will do when they grow up and I may not be alive at that time. But if I live that long and still have all my faculties intact, I will not compel them either to marry only brahmin or even hindu girls, nor will I compel them against these. It will be their choice completely.
ha ha ha.. yes, i keep telling my children to learn mandarin, but they all opted for french and spanish. oh ..those young ones !!!!!!
btw sangom, more than 95% (i hate to use 100% because there will always be one exception) tambrams i know in toronto (about 50+ families), have their children married out of caste or race or religion.
how quickly the caste cloak came off? is it because we are outside of india where such varattu gauravams dont matter?
i find my friends here, red neck tambrams once, have mellowed gradually over the years, as their children bring boyfriends girlfriends friends of other types, and they learn to initially grudge, then accept and finally to love. almost 100% there is eventual acceptance, and in almost all cases the unions have been happy and fruitful.
a proud tambram grandfather does not care if his grandchild is half white or half sikh or half punjabi or half telugu. it is his pride and joy,and he still goes out of his way, to babysit and take care of the child. with much fondness, as any of our grandparents in palakkad or thiruvananthapuram![]()
When I look at the social history of Tamil Brahmins for the past 75 years,which I am personally aware of, I find that there is a phenomenal change in our behaviour and attitude of acceptance to reality. During this period we have left our Caste appendages in dress like Madisar and Panchakacham as also the kudumi and embraced the non-brahmin attire happily. External caste markings like Vibhuthi and Namam are reserved for occasions like Temple visits and religious ceremonies in the family. Then I do not understand why we should lament on the inter caste/religious marriage now. Real Brahmins as enunciated in the Varnasrama dharma, have become endangered species now. Racial pedigree under the Gothra and Anuloma marriages are the preserves of the past era, it has no relevance to the community today.
It is my view,in a liberated society of Brahmins, love marriages and mixing up of castes, communities will be the rule and not an exception in future. But the basic brand of "Tamil Brahmin" will sustain all these changes successfully and continue for ever.
When I look at the social history of Tamil Brahmins for the past 75 years,which I am personally aware of, I find that there is a phenomenal change in our behaviour and attitude of acceptance to reality. During this period we have left our Caste appendages in dress like Madisar and Panchakacham as also the kudumi and embraced the non-brahmin (or western) attire happily. External caste markings like Vibhuthi and Namam are reserved for occasions like Temple visits and religious ceremonies in the family. Then I do not understand why we should lament on the inter caste/religious marriage now. Real Brahmins as enunciated in the Varnasrama dharma, have become endangered species now. Racial pedigree under the Gothra and Anuloma marriages are the preserves of the past era, it has no relevance to the community today.
It is my view,in a liberated society of Brahmins, love marriages and mixing up of castes, communities will be the rule and not an exception in future. But the basic brand of "Tamil Brahmin" will sustain all these changes successfully and continue for ever.
Dear Sir,
We gave up all the aforementioned (Namam, Vibhuti, Madisar, Panchakacham) to live in peace & be with the changing times..But never was it for self destruction...Tambrahms still follow the religious functions including the karmas...But now at one stroke we are saying Hell to the community thereby putting all our culture, traditions to naught...Let us resolve this headon rather than rue and portray ourself as a victim...Tomorrow if there is conversion happening in your locality will you convert to a Muslim or Christian...Let us not deceive the future progeny of the community through the chalta hai attitude...Let us face the issue squarely ..Let us be brave, confident and determined to stop this malaise
That apart, have you noticed that our anti-IC/IR lobby twists our pov to make it sound as if we are all anti-tabra alliances? I have sort of déja vue here; this has happened before also.
1. All that is good in the culture and values need to be preserved. What is good means what is universally accepted as good.
2. Preservation involves teaching them to tne next generation, children etc., so that these good aspects of culture and good values do not become extinct. They need to be preserved because they are good.
3. If you do not preserve, all the effort(over centuries) and internalization that went into acquiring and retaining these good aspects of culture and values will go waste. What is going to replace them may be or may not be good. Just an example:
Our culture glorifies "நும்முன் பிறந்தது நுவ்வையாகும்" kind of discipline even in matters controlled by ductless glands and hormones whereas not asking a boyfriend after an outing on dating(with a lot of kissing and petting thrown in) to stay back for the night is considered bad etiquette in courtship in another culture. Of course the mother in that culture/society is bothered about other consequences and carefully reminds the girl about taking a condom even before she goes on the outing.
In this, what is good value and what is bad value varies according to cultures (கால தேச வர்த்தமானங்களுக்கு ஏற்றவாறு). Let me hasten to add I am not making any value judgment here as to what is good and what is bad in this. But what is desirable and what is not is determined by the society in which we live.
Dear Sir,
We gave up all the aforementioned (Namam, Vibhuti, Madisar, Panchakacham) to live in peace & be with the changing times..But never was it for self destruction...Tambrahms still follow the religious functions including the karmas...But now at one stroke we are saying Hell to the community thereby putting all our culture, traditions to naught...Let us resolve this headon rather than rue and portray ourself as a victim...Tomorrow if there is conversion happening in your locality will you convert to a Muslim or Christian...Let us not deceive the future progeny of the community through the chalta hai attitude...Let us face the issue squarely ..Let us be brave, confident and determined to stop this malaise
Dear Shri Nara, Yes I do care a lot about spirituality but does that mean I consider myself superior if I am spiritual? It is like saying if I care a lot about money , I would consider myself superior if I were rich.The conclusion does not follow. What does follow is that I would be glad that I am rich. Feeling good about something you possess and feeling superior about it are not the same. Regarding nayanmars again Nara's conclusion does not follow because I did not say that spiritual development is restricted only to the brahmins. But in general the reverse is true.
Dear Shri Brahmanyan,
It is surprising that you have such a broad view. But, given a chance, our anti IC members are most likely to point out that you have lived by the rule-book and have tabra sons-in-law / daughters-in-law and so now you can well have a don't care attitude.
That apart, have you noticed that our anti-IC/IR lobby twists our pov to make it sound as if we are all anti-tabra alliances? I have sort of déja vue here; this has happened before also.
<snip> Western thinking and logic has brain washed us into thinking that if one is superior, the other is inferior. If I say, this doctor is good or better, it does not follow that all other doctors are inferior or bad. One doesn't have to evolve in spirituality to understand this.
Shri Gane,
When you state, "Tambrahms still follow the religious functions including the karmas", you are either conveniently forgetting that few of the tabras do the three sandhyavandanams, oupaasanam, vaisvadevam, vedaabhyaasam etc., as part of their daily routine. The tarpanams which I find being done in mathams, halls, etc., by large groups has been conveniently abridged and the riks have been completely omitted. According to our traditional beliefs, tarpanam done without reciting the appropriate rik mantras do not reach the pitrus.
All in all, what the so-called upholders of religion do today is a comic mime or parody of the true brahmin culture and nothing more.
In these circumstances, it is quite possible that further dilution of our religious functions and Karmas may take place as we go along. We tabras have allowed the real treasure of our brahminism and brahministic beliefs, rites, karmas, etc., on our journey in time for the sake of material gains, and are holding only the empty casket in our hands. Should we worry now, so much, if this casket also is damaged, broken or even completely lost? After all, the treasure we have already lost irreparably.
Let us ask ourselves if TB households stand for item number 1 above which is "All that is good in the culture and values need to be preserved. What is good means what is universally accepted as good." In my limited experience with people of TB community statistically they represent the overall population ...For example I am sure TBs contribute to the the corruption problem in India like all other groups do, statistically speaking. They want black money while selling a house like any other seller would want in today's India.
I am making a distinction here between values and principles : former being subjective and the later universal. I have come across many Satvic TB people who are keen to learn and strive to be aligned with the universal laws (Samanya Dharma).
I have also come across a few who call themselves a TB that are aping the west without understanding, projecting a Brahmin heritage without understanding and developing fashionable taste for expensive non-vegetarian dishes.
The word Brahmin has a meaning and I know many NB by birth who actually live the principles implied by the word.
The issue is that birth based classification of Brahmins is meaningless for most part in today's world. There may be nothing to preserve if people who do not uphold the essence of word but are acknowledged that identity called Brahmin.
Couple of years ago I came across a woman in her late 20s in a Vedanta class I was attending. She was from an area near Brazil and her knowledge of our Upanishads was phenomenal. She was able to read and interpret Sanskrit verses on her own, and was an exceptionally mature and satvic person. She was stunningly beautiful and was attractive even more for the personality she projected. She had chosen the lifestyle of a vegetarian for all the right reasons. Being an outsider learning about Hinduism she had meticulously learned the significance of many of our rituals and was able to articulate the meta meanings with precision. Whether it was chanting Rudram or singing the Aarathi a person that understands the meaning is better able to feel it when they are participating.
Not sure if she is considering marriage or becoming a Sannyasi (had been to Rishikesh twice). To me she is represent a (new breed of Guna) Brahmin that B.Gita refers to. Inter-race marriage to such a person would be a privilege in my view to the family of her husband if she chooses to marry.
I also know attended a wedding between a TB American boy (who had gone astray in terms of principles for a while ) and married a nice white woman in her late 20s. They had a Vedic wedding. She is not as well versed as the women from Brazil about values and principles from our scriptures. She had a reverence to learn Satvic way of life. She has enabled her husband to appreciate all the values and they have a very TB like life to the extent it is natural and possible. He now does Sandhyavandhanam (with understanding) once in the morning from what I understand. Most of all what was striking to me was how wonderfully kind and nice she is.
We come across many persons who are clueless and hypocrites in terms of practice, but call themselves TB. Is there anything to 'preserve' what they represent? It seems we have new breed of Guna Brahmins that are already beginning to preserve the values and principles.
If our community has to preserve all that is good they must first educate themselves and become serious students of our scriptures that are timeless and relevant. They must strive to practice a satvi way of life. They must understand what is Samanya Dharma and embrace it. They must be able to teach others and their children with cogent explanation or at least direct them to someone who can. They must respect all the Guna Brahmins in every other race and caste.
That is unlikely to happen judging by false pride and ignorance in many posts of so called TB in forums like this.
Dear Sri "sangom",
If you go through my previous posts you will find my views are always the same.
If we go through our life, we will find there are always two views, one is ideal and other is practical, based on reality. For a long time my views were built on idealism of what it should be and when once I realised what it is, I came out to face the reality in life. It needs a lot of will and conviction to accept the reality, but not difficult.First I tried my best to shed all the muck of false notions that I have gathered in the name of Caste and Community and understood the truth of the words "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्" vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam. World is a wonderful place to live if we accept the reality and adjust ourselves accordingly, instead of creating conflicts. Personally at my age, I don't care what others think or comment about me. All I care is my conscience, which is my guide and God in my actions.
With warm regards,
World is a wonderful place to live if we accept the reality and adjust ourselves accordingly, instead of creating conflicts.
Vaagmi was quite harsh (post 101) with what he sees as hypocrisy of those who want to accept IC/IR if that is what their children and grandchildren choose. To do this he says all of us think IC/IR marriages are good for Brahmins. I do, but not others like Sangom who only are advocating acceptance if that happens. Now, would Vaagmi be equally harsh with this convenient hypocrisy of adjusting to the practical reality of having to go to jobs at 8AM and yet wax eloquent about how great Brahmnical way of life is? Never mind the fact no compromise is necessary even if you have to go to jobs at 8AM, you can still fulfill nitya karma and even perform aradhanai, I used to do during my days of delusion....However with 95% migration to the cities and towns where one has to go for job at 8 AM some of the rituals were not feasible...But to say that because you are not following the rituals cursing them to dissolve with other castes and communities is heresy...
Sorry for butting in.Instead of repairing the casket you are asking us to throw away that treasure trove and you are thrusting Bible and Koran in our hands..
Sorry for butting in.
Are you sure that it is treasure trove?
Wonderful and honest analysis of the reality. The only point I have problem is that TB in TN may not be able to relate to it. Their life experience may be different.