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"Life is like that!"

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ஒரே ஒரு சந்தேஹம் ? !
இது எல்லாம் உண்மையிலே நடந்த சம்பவங்களா ?
அல்லது கற்பனா சக்தி அதிகமாகி
பால்யம் திரும்புகிறதா ?

மறந்தால் தானே நினைப்பதற்கு?

சென்றால் தானே திரும்புவதற்கு??

I try to keep my I.Q and brain activities :laser:

as they were when I was 22 and unmarried.:music:

I have to admit that I am not so fortunate :(

with my looks, size, weight and good health! :pout:
One may not be able to always control the circumstances in which he is,
but he can think of controlling his thoughts. There is nothing either good or bad
only his thinking makes it so. The reality of his life may happen to result
owing to the factors that are from outside, none of which he would be able to
have a control. His temperament and attitude, however, reflects the way
in which he deals with what is happening to him.

I did not see this post as I had gone to the Bhajan in the

temple. :sing:

What a horrid way to promote obesity! :yuck:

I have a contrary story to tell you.

There is a lovely Chinese restaurant which says

"Eat as much as you want!

Pay as less as you can!"

What was the catch in this generous affair? :rolleyes:

The diners were given only one chop stick

and were forbidden from eating with their hands!

A man suffered cardiac arrest while eating a hamburger at a Las Vegas restaurant that calls itself The Heart Attack Grill in recognition of the huge servings of meat, fries and milk shakes that it prides itself on.

The unnamed diner was eating a “Triple Bypass Burger” which comprises some 700g of beef as well as a dozen bacon slices.

The restaurant prides itself on serving meals that surpass 10 000 calories.

It features servers dressed as scantily clad nurses who take “prescriptions” from their “patients”.

The restaurant also offers free meal to anyone over 170 kg.

It displays signs such as “CASH ONLY – because you may die before the cheque clears”.
I dreamed of the MGM lion roaring nonchalantly.

There is no anger or violence in its roar or look.

It just brings to our notice that it is still "alive and kicking".

Extrapolated to human behavior it made a lot of sense.

There need be no meaning nor method in our madness.

We just want to register that we are STILL "alive and kicking!"
what about the super senior ladies?? what do I do with them..they dont like to leave my room too!!
Got an idea, Renu! This might work... Give them a beauty tip to look like you. The next moment they will :bolt: ..... :pound:

N.B: Now I got the idea to quote and get the rich text too. :dance: (Click 'reply' and then click 'reply with quote'. This is to help others!)
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Out of curiosity, I was Google searching for other Rajirams. OMG! Got this person... :scared: . . . :faint:

I am a:39 yr-old man seeking women, 18-38

Location:Anuradhapura Sri Lanka

Last Online:Online over 1 month

Height:5' 9" (175 cm) Body Type:Average

Ethnicity:Asian Religion:Hindu

Smokes:Never Drinks:Occasionally

Marital Status:In a Relationship

Has Kids:Yes, and they live with me

Wants Kids:Not Sure

A guy, in a relationship, has kids living with him and not sure whether he wants kids (may be more kids?) Life is like that!!!
Time to change over to Smt. Rajeswari Ramachandran :music:

so as not to be mistaken for some weird characters??? :fear:

Out of curiosity, I was Google searching for other Rajirams. OMG! Got this person... :scared: . . . :faint:

I am a:39 yr-old man seeking women, 18-38

Location:Anuradhapura Sri Lanka

Last Online:Online over 1 month

Height:5' 9" (175 cm) Body Type:Average

Ethnicity:Asian Religion:Hindu

Smokes:Never Drinks:Occasionally

Marital Status:In a Relationship

Has Kids:Yes, and they live with me

Wants Kids:Not Sure

A guy, in a relationship, has kids living with him and not sure whether he wants kids (may be more kids?) Life is like that!!!
I really have a sincere question to ask..

Is being inconsiderate part of aging? Why do most senior citizens aged 70 and above only think of themselves and do not care to think of others?

I have a real problem dealing with senior citizens who do not want to leave my room after consultation and are not at all considerate that other patients including ill children are waiting despite being reminded that there are sick children waiting to be seen..

I have noticed this with most age 70 years above patients?

I wonder why??? any idea??

Just adopt a strict business-like approach. Once the consultation is over, buzz your assistant, and ask to have the next person ushered in for consultation. Only if the senior person happens to be a relative of yours, then you have a problem.
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Oscar Wilde.

The only way to atone for being occasionally a little
over-dressed :hat:
is by being always absolutely over-educated. :first:

In examinations the foolish ask questions :loco:

that the wise cannot answer.
# 305. Curry Power!

பெரிய இந்தியன் grocery shop அது.

அங்கே சென்றால் பிற இந்தியர்களைச் சந்திக்கலாம்

என்று முன்பெல்லாம் மகன்களுடன் செல்வது வழக்கம்.

ஆனால் அங்கு நடப்பது வேறு! அதைப் பிறகு சொல்வேன்.

அத்தனை கூட்டத்திலும் ஒரு அமெரிக்கன் அம்பு போல

என்னை நோக்கி வேகமாக நடந்து வந்தார்.

அவர் கைகளில் மூன்று பக்கெட் curry powders.

அதில் எது சிறந்து என்று நான் சொல்ல வேண்டுமாம்!

"எதை சமைக்கப் போகின்றீர்கள்?" என்று கேட்டு பிறகு

அந்த மூன்றுக்கும் உள்ள வேறுபாடுகளை விளக்கினேன்.

gravy / lentil சமையலுக்கு சாம்பார் பொடியையும்,

soup / peppery smell and taste டுக்கு ரசம் பொடியையும்,

hot spicy dry curry செய்வதற்கு garam மசாலாவையும்

அவரிடம் சிபாரிசு செய்தேன்.

பல்லாக பல முறை

நன்றி கூறி விட்டுச் சென்றார்.

பிறகு உடன் இருந்த இளைய மகனிடம் கேட்டேன்,

"இந்தக் கடையில் நூறு பேர்கள் இருக்கிறார்கள்!

அவர் ஏன் என்னிடம் நேராக வந்தார் என்று?"

அவன் சொன்ன பதிலில் நம் வாழ்க்கைத் தத்துவமே

அடங்கி இருந்தது உண்மை தான்.

"Mummy! நீ ஒருத்தி தான் அவருடன் eye contact செய்தாய்.

அதனால் அவர் நேரே உன்னிடம் வந்தார்!"

உண்மை தான். நாம் eye contact வைத்துக் கொள்ளும் போது

ஒருவரை வெளியில் தள்ளி double cross bar போடுவதில்லை.

அவரையும் நம்மைப் போல ஒருவராகப் பார்க்கின்றோம்

ஒரு "லிவிங் அண்ட் ஃபீலிங்" மனிதனாக எண்ணுகின்றோம்.

ரோபோட்டுக்கும் நமக்கும் அது தானே வேறுபாடு!

பின்னால் eye contact பற்றி நான் விரிவாக எழுதுவதற்கும்

இந்த நிகழ்ச்சியே ஒரு முக்கிய காரணமாக இருந்தது.

After the morning assembly and prayer, my elder son found one of his close friends searching frantically in the large maidan.

When he asked his friend to find out what he was looking for the startling answer given was, "I lost my sole"
There are innumerable stories in our epics/puranas that Sages/Celestials/Saints had been
subjected to love marriages. There used to be a saying that there are about 8 types of
marriages. One amongst them is Gandharva Marriage. Like that, we notice now a days
apart from Widows/Widowers marrying. Why, there are instances, in which unmarried girls
marrying Widowers and vice versa. We see a number of Advertisements these days.
One is not sure as to whether it has any bearing or consideration like Money, Position,
Status, etc. In olden days, amongst the couples, when the two walk on a street,
normally, we would notice that the wife steps behind her husband in the proper attitude
of a respectful wife. We are in the 21st Century. We can easily notice the side effects
between the arranged and love marriage. Love or arranged marriage, both are purely
based on empathy, responsibility, commitment and concern between each other.
It is not just about initial love and attraction alone. It requires lot of sincere dedication
and earnest efforts amongst them to sustain a marriage if they have done without the
Family's consent.

There are innumerable stories in our epics/puranas that Sages/Celestials/Saints had been
subjected to love marriages. There used to be a saying that there are about 8 types of
marriages. One amongst them is Gandharva Marriage. Like that, we notice now a days
apart from Widows/Widowers marrying. Why, there are instances, in which unmarried girls
marrying Widowers and vice versa. We see a number of Advertisements these days.
One is not sure as to whether it has any bearing or consideration like Money, Position,
Status, etc. In olden days, amongst the couples, when the two walk on a street,
normally, we would notice that the wife steps behind her husband in the proper attitude
of a respectful wife. We are in the 21st Century. We can easily notice the side effects
between the arranged and love marriage. Love or arranged marriage, both are purely
based on empathy, responsibility, commitment and concern between each other.
It is not just about initial love and attraction alone. It requires lot of sincere dedication
and earnest efforts amongst them to sustain a marriage if they have done without the
Family's consent.


Dear sir,

Even now we women walk behind husbands only.I read somewhere that they only time when husbands walk behind their wives is when they are in a land mine field.
A wise person is one who understands things quickly. His comprehension is quite
fast and he has an unending patience to listen to others. This forms the basis of
the person's wisdom. Listening is not only a great art but it is also a virtue. A few
persons neglect or never bother to listen to others. However, there are a number
of people who make fortunes in life by their patience and intelligence to win over
others. This is also Life.

Second thing is, one must try to accept good things in life even from unexpected quarters or
from unwanted people. For example Gold. Gold is a very precious metal, valued since
thousands of years through out the World for its gleaming brightness and malleability
when a bit of copper mixed with. No doubt, Golden J wells has an inseparable world, particularly,
for women. So when a Gold ornament falls into a Toilet Pit, do we ignore it. We don't. It should
not be ignored. Normally, no one cares or bothers where it had fallen. Once it is taken out from
that unclean place, likewise we must try appreciate the good quality found even among those people,
who do not like or hate us. However, we never accept this precept in our life. This is also another

A man suffered cardiac arrest while eating a hamburger at a Las Vegas restaurant that calls itself The Heart Attack Grill in recognition of the huge servings of meat, fries and milk shakes that it prides itself on.

The unnamed diner was eating a “Triple Bypass Burger” which comprises some 700g of beef as well as a dozen bacon slices.

The restaurant prides itself on serving meals that surpass 10 000 calories.

It features servers dressed as scantily clad nurses who take “prescriptions” from their “patients”.

The restaurant also offers free meal to anyone over 170 kg.

It displays signs such as “CASH ONLY – because you may die before the cheque clears”.

That is quite vulgur, the health dept should shut them down, but they won't since they have a right to serve anything in a restaurant.. so sad that people love such stuff.. it is a heart attack on a plate is what those people are serving.. even in India people have started.. here many of us remain vegetarians and try not to eat restaurant foods that much..
The restaurant is living up to its name! :doh:

That is quite vulgur, the health dept should shut them down, but they won't since they have a right to serve anything in a restaurant.. so sad that people love such stuff.. it is a heart attack on a plate is what those people are serving.. even in India people have started.. here many of us remain vegetarians and try not to eat restaurant foods that much..
"Originally Posted by renuka I really have a sincere question to ask..

Is being inconsiderate part of aging? Why do most [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]senior [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]citizens[/FONT][/FONT] aged 70 and above only think of themselves and do not care to think of others?

I have a real problem dealing with senior citizens who do not want to leave my room after consultation and are not at all considerate that other patients including [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]ill [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]children[/FONT][/FONT] are waiting despite being reminded that there are sick children waiting to be seen..

I have noticed this with most age 70 years above patients?

I wonder why??? any idea??"

Renu, that is because they perhaps don't have anyone to talk to at home and the seniors are also feeling the age gap and you are an attractive doc and I am sure very nice to them and they find the comfort in you.. :-) it is very natural behavior, I lived with my MIL for 25 years, the latter years she wanted to say so much but i had to work, and of course she hated me working.. but when I came home I did sit with her.
I understand when you have so many patients waiting you don't have the luxury to chit chat and have to get to business no matter what..
Perhaps you can arrange a meeting or a tea with all your older patients once a year, they would love that.. :-)
The more the age the more adventurous a man wants to become and that may be the reason as he must be finding happiness in your presence than that of his wife.Life is like that.
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