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"Life is like that!"

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Words commonly used to describe the faminity and masculinity :
Faminity : Dependent, quiet, graceful, innocent, emotional, passive, sensitive,
weak, flirtatious, nurturing, self-critical, soft, and accepting
Masculinity : Independent, non-emotional, aggressive, tough skinned,
competitive, experienced, strong, active, self-confident, hard, and

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Truly spoken sir/ madam!
When I was young I was warned
NEVER to trust an OLDER man (50 +) .
Youngsters are so much more trustworthy.
Is it because an oldie is a "rusi kanda poonai??":noidea:

The more the age the more adventurous a man wants to become and that may be the reason as he must be finding happiness in your presence than that of his wife.Life is like that.
The diners were given only one chop stick and were forbidden from eating with their hands!
எங்க சிங்காரச் சென்னைப் பசங்களை விட்டால், ஒரு chop stick ஐ வெச்சே, 'நூடில்ஸ்'லே புகுந்து விளையாடுவார்கள்! :hungry:
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Some 15 years ago, I and my younger son were waiting in a bus stop. An old man who was in the company a young girl
(who was either sick or only party conscious)
wanted my son to get him an auto urgently. My son obliged.

After we came home and told the incident to my husband he scolded us for getting the auto for the old man.

He asked us, " How do you know that the man was not
kidnapping the girl ?"

Well, always men think differently from women. :ohwell:

To this day I do not know whether the senior was a relative of the girl who was trying to get her to a hospital or whether he had drugged her and was kidnapping her! :confused:
Then may be noodles was" OUT" and rice was "IN"
in the menu of the restaurant! ;)

I am reminded of the Tom and Jerry cartoon, in which the ever hungry nephew of Jerry will suck in the long strand of noodle - with so much force, that he would get pulled on to the table top :becky:

எங்க சிங்காரச் சென்னைப் பசங்களை விட்டால், ஒரு chop stick ஐ வெச்சே, 'நூடில்ஸ்'லே புகுந்து விளையாடுவார்கள்! :hungry:
No sensible person will venture to enter the restaurant with such a

crazy name -
The Heart Attack Grill - unless they are the type

who eat with a VENGEANCE to punish themselves. :hungry:

The complaint about the serving.What about the pathetic conditions of the kitchen in which they are prepared?If one sees that nobody will eneter any restaurant.
Life is like that.

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For Every Action there will be an equal and opposite Action there - Newton Third Law

When we watch the happenings around us,
learn new and unending lessons from them,
we just sigh deeply and say,"Life is like that!"

So we will try to say this more often - without sighing deeply - if possible every day, in this new thread :)

In the life, people are not understood God's or Nature's Reality. They are living life like the way they should not. People nowadays not understood, whatever they are doing will come to them as boomarang. Once they are getting what they have done to others, then they will blame God or Nature that, "Why I am alone getting this, why not others". We should self assess, whichever the karma we are doing, whether in anyway it will hurt or impact others. If every body started doing that, then automatically this positive sprit will spread to others, and the world will be peaceful.
Whe people reap the punishment for the karma done in their previous births, they get confused and wonder "Why me?"

That is why God had quickened His pace and started giving us the consequences of our actions in the present janma itself - so that the unnecessary confusion and anxiety can be avoided.

To put it in a nutshell, God HAS also become jetset! :)

In the life, people are not understood God's or Nature's Reality. They are living life like the way they should not. People nowadays not understood, whatever they are doing will come to them as boomarang. Once they are getting what they have done to others, then they will blame God or Nature that, "Why I am alone getting this, why not others". We should self assess, whichever the karma we are doing, whether in anyway it will hurt or impact others. If every body started doing that, then automatically this positive sprit will spread to others, and the world will be peaceful.
Oscar Wilde.

As for modern Journalism, it is not my business to defend it.

It justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle

of the survival of the vulgarest.
# 306. Two classes of Indians.

இரண்டு பிரிவுகள் (அல்லது அதற்கும் மேலே)

இல்லாத இடமே கிடையாது என்று கண்டேன்.

இந்தியன் கடையில் நான் நினைத்தது ஒன்று.

அங்கு நடந்தது முற்றிலுமாக வேறு ஒன்று.

முதலில் eye contact டையே தவிர்த்தார்கள்.

ஆறு கஜம் புடவை கட்டிக் கொண்டு போனபோதும்

"நம் நாட்டில் இருந்து வந்தவள் இவள்" என்ற எண்ணம்

அவர்கள் மனதில் சிறிதும் தோன்றவில்லை. :bolt:

நமக்குப் பின்புறம் முதுகும், முதுகும் ஓட்ட

அவர்களைப் பொறுத்த வரையில் நாம் "non existent " தான்!

சிலரைப் பார்த்து நான் ஸ்மைல் செய்தபோது

மகன் சொன்னான்,

"மம்மி! உன் charm எல்லாம் இங்கே வொர்க் அவுட் ஆகாது!"

சுருங்கச் சொல்லி விளங்க வைப்பதில் அவன் மன்னன்.

பிறகு அவனிடம் கேட்டேன்,"உன் நண்பர்கள் யாருமே

இதுபோல செய்வது இல்லையே! இவர்கள் மட்டும் ஏன்?"

அவன் மற்றும் ஒரு பொன் மொழி உதிர்த்தான்.

"அவர்களும் என்னைப் போல முட்டி தேயப் படித்து விட்டுப்

பிறகு இங்கேயே செட்டில் ஆகி இருப்பவர்கள்.

இவர்கள் கம்பெனி வழியாக catapult செய்யப்பட்டவர்கள்.

அவர்களால் நம்ப முடியவில்லை :shocked:

இங்கு வந்திருப்பதை இன்னமும்.

அதனால் ஒரு மிதப்பிலே இருப்பார்கள்

திரும்பிச் செல்லும் வரையில்!"

பரம்பரைப் பணக்காரனுக்கும், புதுப் பணக்காரனுக்கும்

உள்ள அதே வேறுபாட்டை அங்கேயும் கண்டேன்!

அற்பனுக்குப் பவிஷு வந்தால் என்னென்ன செய்வான்

என்று அவர்கள் நடவடிக்கைகளில் கண் கூடாகக் கண்டேன்.

"அவர்கள் இங்கு வந்தவர்களை மதிக்கவில்லையே என்று

ஃபீல் பண்ணாதே மம்மி. :nono:

நாங்களும் அவர்களை மதிப்பது இல்லை" என்றான்!

இது எப்படிஇருக்கு???
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My sister in law who was in California for holidays told me that most of the Indians avoid eye contact when the come across other Indians. Wonder why? The fear that they may be agents of Amway products! :popcorn:

There is also a joke about those agents.

'When do you stop going to your lawyer?'

'When he starts selling Amway products to me!!' :bolt:
Talking of Amway products....

One lady tried to push me a product which was supposed to remove the dark circles around one's eyes.

I do not have dark circles and she HAD. I asked her
"Do you use what you sell?"

She was honest enough to admit that she could NOT afford the products she sold.

Then I told her "Tell your boss that the one who sells dark circle remover cannot afford to have dark circles-if she wishes to sell the product!"

My sister in law who was in California for holidays told me that most of the Indians avoid eye contact when the come across other Indians. Wonder why? The fear that they may be agents of Amway products! :popcorn:

There is also a joke about those agents.

'When do you stop going to your lawyer?'

'When he starts selling Amway products to me!!' :bolt:
Old people do not go to Par-lours. What is appearing in the media and through
advertisements are brought out to the notice of people. There are many magazines
which we see in the Library which are dropped on the table for any one to read
and there is no age prescription as to who should read and who should not. Most
Magazines are only related about Woman's beauty aspects like charming look, appearance,
dress code, belly reduction, how to maintain slim, etc. etc. We see many advertisements
giving importance to so many factors in the Parlour these days. Majority of old people
are against youngsters going to Parlours. Youngsters only go to Parlours without the knowledge
of their parents either straight from the College or from the Office. Strictly speaking
majority of the Old people are helping in the household activities and they do not have
time to chat or gossip, instead they warn the youngsters whenever opportunity arises.
We can see in Metropolitan Cities in India, many people even 60+ are going to offices and
earn money for their dependents and for their day to day expenses without putting burden
on their children and some even for their last rites, to avoid troubling their children. Majority
of the people are seldom irritated or angry against youngsters. They only counsel if need be.
Most people have no interest in such things unless it comes to their notice, even if
they do not want to see them. Therefore people have to change their perception
of old and young and avoid making scathing remarks. Young ones are only mischievous besides
making dual meaning statements, and not trustworthy, which we see quite often in media these
days, and that is why unnecessary and unwanted love marriages take place. Gents do not show
their body half covered while walking on the streets nor do they wear sleeveless etc.

Later they held a demo cum sales of the fantastically priced fabulous(?) products in our community hall.

The boss was a lady and she wanted to check the facial skin of the ladies present there, using ultra violet light, for blemishes.

As USUAL no one stirred from their seats. I volunteered. She estimated my age a good 15 years less than what I really was and asked me what were the products I used.

I said NOTHING other than the good old BESAN
(kaladai maavu) for my face.

Immediately the vicinity of the ultraviolet screener was mobbed by the youngster and oldies alike.

Soon after a sales person tried to sell me some skin cream and I told her. "You madam has pronounced my complexion very healthy for my age and I need not use your cream!"

She felt crest fallen but the products were far far beyond the reach of the 'Aam Admi'.
Amway products are always beyond the reach of the 'aam aadmi.'

Can they be rightly renamed as Amaway products???

Amway products??? :decision: Amaway products???
Sri. Santhanagopalan, a leading musician told once that the rAgam which creates a sad mood to the listeners and often played

during the mourning period of national leaders is named 'Shubha PanthuvarALi' to have 'shubham' at least in its name!! We see

dumb guys named 'aRivu' and some beggars named 'Selvam'....

The above is not aNNAyisam! Amway is also named by the same logic (for Am adhmi)! :thumb:

Now for those who want to enjoy the sad Shubha PanthuvarALi played by the Violin maestro Sri. M S G:

MSG-Neepogada-Subha Pantuvarali.wmv - YouTube
Gents do not show
their body half covered while walking on the streets nor do they wear sleeveless etc.

Magazines are only related about Woman's beauty aspects like charming look, appearance,
dress code, belly reduction, how to maintain slim, etc. etc.


Dear sir,

Men do wear shorts and sleeveless T shirts too in the leisure time day of,f walking or skate boarding on the streets.
Most of them who do walk around like this have a six pack perfect type of body.

Sir those magazines are female magazines sir..so its target audience are women and not men but even in mens magazines we can find similar stuff on how to get a 6 pack,how to build the perfect muscles,surgery,make over etc for the Metrosexual male.
Some points to ponder :-

1. More males than females seem to read women's magazines

for the sake of Pure undiluted knowledge.

2. Our prohits and temple priests are always 'topless' as their job demands it.

3. Apparently most males cover only their lower halves while relaxing at their homes - because the moment we ring the calling bell, the male in the house rushes in to wear something on the top or at least get a towel to cover himself with.
Oscar Wilde.

For there is no art where there is no style,

and no style where there is no unity,
and Unity is of the individual. :bump2:

Movement, that problem of the visible arts,
can be truly realized by Literature alone.:typing:
It is the Literature that shows us the
body in its swiftness :bowl:
and the soul in its unrest.
# 307. Non vegetarian dishes in parties.

இறந்த உடலை (non vegetarian) உண்பவர்கள் உண்ணட்டும்.

நமக்கு அதில் ஒன்றும் விரோதம் இல்லை.

ஓர் உடலை உண்டு தன் உடல் வளர்த்த விரும்புபவர்களிடம்

பேசுவதால் மட்டும் என்ன பயன்?

ஆனாலும் பேசுவேன் ஒன்றை!

ஏன் அதை பார்ட்டிகளில் முதலில் வைக்கிறார்கள்???

Mixed-crowd என்னும் போதே அதைத் தனியாக

வேறு ஒரு மேஜையில் வைக்க வேண்டாமா?

இது ஒரு இங்கிதம். ஒரு நாகரீகம். ஒரு தர்மம்.

அடுத்தவன் கருத்துக்கு இவர்கள் கொடுக்கும் மதிப்பு.

இவர்கள் majority என்றால் அது இன்னொரு காரணம்

அதைத் தனியாக வேறு இடத்தில் வைப்பதற்கு.

முதல் மேஜையில் அது இருந்தால் பின்

எப்படி நகரும்?

நம் உணவு உள்ள மேஜையை நாம்

எப்போது அடைவோம்???

More and more people got drawn into the Maya of the Amway commissions earned.

They did not realize that the system forms a pyramid - benefiting most the one topmost, or in the apex of the pyramid.

Nor that sooner or later the pyramid was bound to collapse.

At one time I found that ALL my neighbors were Amway agents. They tried to push everything from floor cleaner to miracle tooth paste. :fear:

I resisted firmly every trial. At one stage I had to state openly that I do not want to mix business with friendship and that I valued their friendship more than the products they were trying to push.

Yes! The pyramid did collapse as predicted. When everybody becomes a seller who will be the buyer???
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