It was just a question of time before the topic was steered into the usual direction. The major difference in the story I had come across (that story was slanted in dravidian flavour) is that in this episode it is Tamil brahmins and their thondies (pot bellies) and in the other version I read it was namboodris and their penchant for physical gratification.
Dear Shri Zebra,
I find that you have a certain pre-conceived opinion of what the treasure ought to be and are unable to even countenance any differing view. This was not the impression I got till I left this forum few weeks ago! It is true that the Travancore Royal Family considers certain Namboothiris as their Rajagurus and follows their advice meticulously. It was the Nambbothiris who stipulated "thulaapurusha daanam" துலாபுருஷதானம் as a prerequisite before ascending the throne. The new incumbent gets weighed in pure gold and this gold is then given as தானம to the Namboothiris mainly because they are considered the higher class of brahmins to whom Parasurama gave away the entire Kerala originally. In the "murajapam" also only Namboothiris take part and there used to be more than sumptuous grand feasts everyday for them. Of course the cooks and their assistants down to those who serve, will generally be TBs. This was the situation even until 1920's and 1930's my parents have told me. When the fact is that TBs had their தொந்திs being filled, it is difficult to eulogize the position just because you or I happen to be a TB by the accident of birth and so do not want to see, hear or others speak ill of our folks.
[QUOTE Anizham thirunal Marthanda Varma who is the architect of modern Travancore state had killed the "ettarayogakkaar", consisting of brahmin families,[/QUOTE]
The spin I have heard is not "yettarayogakkar" - consisting of brahmin families, but "ettuveetil Pillamar" - eight powerful Nair feudal lords - who were supported Kunju Thampies family, which in turn was supported by Pandian kingdom and the Pandian king committed treachery to let Kunju Thampi be killed at Nagarcoil by Marthanda Verma
The common factor in both stories is just about brahmin bashing.[/QUOTE]
From very early history, probably going back to the Tamil Sangam times (I don't know - just a guess) this temple existed and its affairs were entrusted, probably by unwritten convention (this is the rule in some other Kerala temples like Guruvayoor as well), to eight "Potti" போற்றி families plus the king. The போற்றிs are Tulu brahmins usually priests in temples. These போற்றிs had one full vote each while the king, enjoyed a half vote. That is how the name எட்டரை யோகக்கார் came into operation. In the course of history the போற்றிs made the Pillais as their Power of Attorney holders because the former could not collect the land revenues, crop yields, market taxesசந்தைப் பிரிவு, etc., sitting in their luxurious surroundings whereas the Pillais could do these themselves or with the help of their goondas. This is part of Travancore history.
Anizham ThirunaaL was the nephew of one Ramavarma who had a concubine in Sucheendram and she was promised on oath by Rama Varma that in case she gave birth to a son, he will inherit the kingdom of Thrippaappur on which the said Ramavarma ruled. The Sucheendram woman gave birth to two sons Pappu (padmanabhan) Thampi and Raman Thampi and demanded that Pappu Thampi be made the King. Anizham ThirunaaL (AT) insisted on the family convention of "marumakkathaayam" and wanted to be made the heir apparent. The எட்டுவீட்டில் பிள்ளை and எட்டரை யோகக்கார் Pottis sided with the Thampis and AT went hiding, waged guerrilla wars and adopted different strategies at the end of which he kille all the Pillais and their famlies, drove away all the females through the West Fort to the fishermen for their enjoyment and killed the children by drowning them in களிப்பான் குளம் which is even today identified as the place where the Attakkulangara sub-jail stands. Not satisfied with this and in order to prove his invincibility and to ward off any future mischief from the Pottis, AT dealt with them just as he did with the Pillais. But then came the objection of Brahmahatya sin from the Namboodiri Kulagurus. You may like to verify the veracity or otherwise of these from more trustworthy sources than I. But the fact that the Travancore kings nurtured thousands of idle, pot-bellied, bone-lazy Tambrams is as clear to all Travancoreans as the Sun and the Moon are.
[QUOTE Some part of the Temple treasure must have been from the plunder of neighbouring principalities like Desinganad, Chempakassery, Ilayidathu swaroopam, Thekkumkoor, Vadakkumkoor,etc., which were annexed by Marthanda Varma.[/QUOTE]
This appears to be just a hypothesis and somehow make it appear that at least a part of the treasure is a plunder.[/QUOTE]When you do not want to believe something which is part of authentic history this is the typical response to be made. That AT demanded 25000கழஞ்சு (a weight) of gold from the Portuguese in return for giving them some pepper trade is a known fact; part of the gold was reportedly used for the rebuilding of the temple and the balance might have gone to the treasure. The "thrippappur" naadu inherited from RamaVarma was only just up to Trivandrum. Kindly see
this map for more info. It is history that I learnt in my primary classes which said AM waged war and annexed all the small "kingdoms" till Aluva (Alwaye, now) and could not cross over the periyar river due to flooding and thus he could not conquer Kochi.
Hope you will agree that Brahmin bashing will happen when the TBs acted in a way which would invite such bashing from history