Since it is a very long post, let me just focus on the crux of the issue.
Why is a certain form of dress or a particular form of getup such an integral part of culture?
I apologise for the delay in responding to this post, as this escaped my attention and I have not been too regular.
A certain form of dress or a particular form of getup or set up is indeed considered an integral part of the culture, the world over. I can give you two prominent examples to drive home this point:
(a) When Heads of States visit other countries, they surely don themselves in the attire of the culture of the country they represent. It is not as if Indian Prime Minister or President or any Head of the African country cannot dress themselves in suit-boot and tie when they visit USA. But they being the cultural ambassadors of their respective country make it a point be dressed in their native fashion. This does not make one's culture inferior or superior to the other, but merely emphasises the diversity of culture.
Similarly when the visiting dignitary is welcomed with rose petals, garlands, application of tilak etc. (when they visit India) it is a welcome in traditional cultural style and I have not come across any news item by the visiting dignitary protesting to such a welcome.
(b) In marriages, which is considered to be the most important occasion of anybody's life, we find that the couple sticking to the traditional dress. In this forum itself I have come across some posts where the groom not belonging to the TB culture insisted for the marriage to be solemnized in the traditional TB manner (including pancha kachcham and nadaswaram etc). Even in same religion marriages you would find that the couple being adorned in the traditional manner.
When such being the case, why are we becoming defensive in following our own culture? Are we developing
INFERIORITY COMPLEX that our culture is not worth abiding?
So certain form of dress or a particular form of get up indeed make an integral component of a culture. To throw it away would mean moving away from the society. I thought this thread was all about being absorbed into and/or becoming an integral part of the culture and why would someone intentionally move away from it?
Why don't we focus to a more prevalent and positive form of culture such as getting good ranks in IIT exam, getting a software job or even getting a US green card. Are these not more of an achievement than how someone ties their saree? What is the need to stick to 100 year old fashion? Who will benefit?
I think you are unintentionally conflating two issues. I do not suppose getting good marks in IITs or getting a green card to USA etc is a cultural achievement or giving up of one's culture. How can achievement in this field be compared to tying of sareees? Conversely, do you suppose forgetfulness to zip the pant will dis-entitle an IIT-an of his achievement?
99.99% of young people have already voted with their feet.
If this is what is expected of a "culture", and here I mean "any culture" (not merely TB), then one has to concede that ALL cultures have failed. The success rate of people getting US green card is in single digit (if it is not in some decimal) compared to the total aspirants which is an abysmal rate of success.
99.9% of 0.000004% does not constitute a big number.
This particular line makes me feel that an aspiration to bagging an IIT admission, joining a software job (preferably in US) and the ultimate green card possession is a culture in itself

and it is at odds with TB culture.