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intercaste marriages

  • Thread starter Thread starter vasumathi
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Dear HH,
First I am eager to know what is this "caste-culture" you are talking about. As it comes from a scientist like you I am keen to know what it is.
First, i am not a scientist. I am a student. Members of this forum who know me as a person know that. So its an authenticable fact. Since you had mentioned that you are a scientist, so i take you to be one.

What i had asked in post # 50 is very clear. You said "Caste is all about culture and value system. Cultural practices and value system do affect genes for which there is scientific evidence."

In effect you are saying caste is culture and culture affects genes. Am aware of 'cultural' practices affecting genes such as lactose tolerance / intolerance in animal-herding groups. However, i have not heard of caste affecting genes.

So i had requested you to please provide scientific evidence how the culture of "caste" affects genes (as you claim it to be).

The bunch of people i was referring to are specifically people who on this forum claim to be brahmins
This "bunch" is made of people who are born in that caste/bunch which is a given fact/fait accompli when they were born. They never claimed to you that their birth was a unique event that happened in that particular place of birth on that particular date and time of birth. They were born into your "bunch" by providence and hence continue to exist as part of that bunch.

Secondly, how can anyone be proud for something they never acheived themselves?

Are you not proud of Sir C.V. Raman, Rabindranath Tagore,Ramanujan etc though you have nothing to do with all their achievements? You are proud of them because they are Indians(an identifiable social group)like you, though Raman's theory or Tagore's literature may be Latin or Afrikaans to you.

So first please resolve who is a brahmin, and are present-day 'brahmins' the descendents of vedic seers (as they claim to be)

I find that you are trying to resolve this in another thread. I am waiting for the outcome.

Also please let me know what is the consistent record of achievements which present-day 'claimants of brahminhood' have achieved. Instead of going far, lets start with your caste. So sir as a Vadagalai Iyengar, please can you tell me how, when and where did your "caste" originate? If people in your immediate ancestry followed vishistadvaita philosophy, do they become brahmins? If not, How did they first become 'brahmins' (that is, how did they become brahmins before they started following a philosophy) ?

I do not discuss these matters with strangers in the internet. So please let me know which "bunch" you belong to and why you belong to that "bunch" and not to any other "bunch". If you do not believe in such "bunches" whether you have chosen your mate from some other "bunch"(I do not know how old are you because i do not do reasearch into the background of people who come here. If you have children/siblings please let me know which bunch they have married into.) To start with if you answer these querries, I will ask some more questions and then we can enter into the discussion about my 'caste' its origin, philosophy etc., It is quite interesting to note that you spend a lot of time on this web site researching about individuals and their back ground. If some one tells you that you have a tendency to drag every discussion that you participate in to the level of aggressive sparring, i wont find fault with him/her.

Also, Raju sir there is a question pending for you at post # 50 of this thread

Your question has been answered in that thread by the "scientist" as you preferred to address me sarcastically.

And you have conveniently forgotten about my question to you in an earlier thread about the kashi Dogs and the great revolutionary who fought with them. I am waiting for your 'scientific evidence ' for that.
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First, i am not a scientist. I am a student. Members of this forum who know me as a person know that. So its an authenticable fact. Since you had mentioned that you are a scientist, so i take you to be one.

What i had asked in post # 50 is very clear. You said "Caste is all about culture and value system. Cultural practices and value system do affect genes for which there is scientific evidence."

In effect you are saying caste is culture and culture affects genes. Am aware of 'cultural' practices affecting genes such as lactose tolerance / intolerance in animal-herding groups. However, i have not heard of caste affecting genes.

So i had requested you to please provide scientific evidence how the culture of "caste" affects genes (as you claim it to be).


Dear HH,

I do not know you and it does not matter for me really.The way you have been demanding for scientific proof at the drop of a hat every time, gave me an impression that you may be a scientist of that sort. Moreover when I had to say I am a scientist your disbelief was quite evident and I wondered whether I had inadvertently touched the raw nerve of a great scientist and I shuddered at the prospect of proving and getting the approval from that scientist of my status as a scientist. The சங்கப்பலகை came in my nightmares repeatedly.

Now, coming to the point,it is amazing. You have already searched and found the scientific evidence yourself. I was referring to the same scientific evidence. Think a little more logically and 'scientifically'. You will understand how a tribe might have followed a certain cultural practices exclusively for their own reasons and how it might have affected the genes. I dont have to do any more explanations. You have already got the answer to your question.
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This "bunch" is made of people who are born in that caste/bunch which is a given fact/fait accompli when they were born. They never claimed to you that their birth was a unique event that happened in that particular place of birth on that particular date and time of birth. They were born into your "bunch" by providence and hence continue to exist as part of that bunch.
Shri Raju, making false and untenable claims, and propagating social evils like casteism and discrimination are in our hands, irrespective of where one is born.

Are you not proud of Sir C.V. Raman, Rabindranath Tagore,Ramanujan etc though you have nothing to do with all their achievements? You are proud of them because they are Indians(an identifiable social group)like you, though Raman's theory or Tagore's literature may be Latin or Afrikaans to you.
Sorry Raju, i should have been clearer with that question. My context of asking it was how can 'brahmins' take pride for something they did not acheive themselves, that is the composition of the vedic literature. Am willing to stand corrected on this, if you are willing to discuss this further.

I find that you are trying to resolve this in another thread. I am waiting for the outcome.
Am not trying to "resolve" it. Its all over books on history. Its only the group that claims to be the "orthodoxy" that makes falsified claims. And (to me) whatever we have on our hands today, that is reservations, caste-based votes, etc resulted in what it is because of the orthodoxy and its supporters of the colonial period. Atleast in a big part if not the whole part.

I do not discuss these matters with strangers in the internet. So please let me know which "bunch" you belong to and why you belong to that "bunch" and not to any other "bunch". If you do not believe in such "bunches" whether you have chosen your mate from some other "bunch"(I do not know how old are you because i do not do reasearch into the background of people who come here. If you have children/siblings please let me know which bunch they have married into.) To start with if you answer these querries, I will ask some more questions and then we can enter into the discussion about my 'caste' its origin, philosophy etc., It is quite interesting to note that you spend a lot of time on this web site researching about individuals and their back ground. If some one tells you that you have a tendency to drag every discussion that you participate in to the level of aggressive sparring, i wont find fault with him/her.
1) So you do not want to discuss how the vadagalai caste originated with strangers on the internet. Yet you discuss things related to caste with strangers on the internet. How come?

2) Also, why do you want to know about my children/siblings? In what way is my personal life related to the origin of the vadagalai-iyengar caste?

Your question has been answered in that thread by the "scientist" as you preferred to address me sarcastically.

And you have conveniently forgotten about my question to you in an earlier thread about the kashi Dogs and the great revolutionary who fought with them. I am waiting for your 'scientific evidence ' for that.
When did we speak of dogs in kashi?

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Dear HH,

I do not know you and it does not matter for me really.The way you have been demanding for scientific proof at the drop of a hat every time, gave me an impression that you may be a scientist of that sort. Moreover when I had to say I am a scientist your disbelief was quite evident and I wondered whether I had inadvertently touched the raw nerve of a great scientist and I shuddered at the prospect of proving and getting the approval from that scientist of my status as a scientist. The சங்கப்பலகை came in my nightmares repeatedly.
Raju, when did i "demand" for "scientific proof" for "every drop of a hat"? I thot i used the word "request" explicitely. Its quite obvious you are getting sarcastic and personal because you have no proof for your false claims.

Now, coming to the point,it is amazing. You have already searched and found the scientific evidence yourself. I was referring to the same scientific evidence. Think a little more logically and 'scientifically'. You will understand how a tribe might have followed a certain cultural practices exclusively for their own reasons and how it might have affected the genes. I dont have to do any more explanations. You have already got the answer to your question.
If i say LOL, it would be considered offending. But no, i really cannot help smiling (in disbelief). Surely when you use the word "tribe" you do not mean castes of today, right? Have there been any studies on how caste affects genes? Are there any papers on it? If not, then on what basis can you claim so sir?
Dear HH,

Also, why do you want to know about my children/siblings? In what way is my personal life related to the origin of the vadagalai-iyengar caste?

LOL(not an offensive LOL. really laughing out loud). Because I want to know in what way vadagalai Iyengar caste has become an area of interest for you.

When did we speak of dogs in kashi?

LOL again. Come on you cannot forget your great social revolutionary periy ar so quickly and his fight for a morsel of food with the dogs of Kashi and your emotionally charged question to me as to what I would have done if I were in his place. Please read the relevant post and recall what we discussed. I asked you for proof for that incident and you have kept silent so far.

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Dear HH,

But no, i really cannot help smiling (in disbelief). Surely when you use the word "tribe" you do not mean castes of today, right? Have there been any studies on how caste affects genes? Are there any papers on it? If not, then on what basis can you claim so sir?

What is the difference between a tribe and a caste? Please let me know your views.Please do not call me Sir. You can tell me if you want me to address you as Madam.
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Dear HH,

LOL(not an offensive LOL. really laughing out loud). Because I want to know in what way vadagalai Iyengar caste has become an area of interest for you.
Please laugh as much as you want. Perhaps you may not be laughing after digging into your caste identity. For that matter, i beleive anyone of any caste will not be laughing if he understands his "caste" identity more than a mere tag.

Am interested in populations, genetics, maps, migratory routes, all castes, cultures, tribes, etc. The interest is academic, but more so its a hobby / interest.

LOL again. Come on you cannot forget your great social revolutionary periy ar so quickly and his fight for a morsel of food with the dogs of Kashi and your emotionally charged question to me as to what I would have done if I were in his place. Please read the relevant post and recall what we discussed. I asked you for proof for that incident and you have kept silent so far.

Well EVR visited Kashi. His experiences do not require "scientific evidence" as you have claimed in post # 77.

Kunjuppu ji also visited Kashi, Gaya and has written about the corruption there. Will you ask him to produce "scientific evidence" about his experiences? Perhaps we should insist that he must produce such "scientific evidence", lest he may be bluffing (Kunjuppu ji, my apologies, i mean no offence with this, just trying to convey a point, am sure you will understand).

Anyways, EVR's experiences in Kashi have nothing to do with your baseless claim that there is "scientific evidence" that caste affects genes.

Dear HH,

What is the difference between a tribe and a caste? Please let me know your views.Please do not call me Sir. You can tell me if you want me to address you as Madam.
Alright i shall dispense with "sir" and address you are just "raju".

Surely a scientist (of any subject perhaps) wud know something as simple as the difference between "caste" and "tribe". Anyone (esp if he claims that there is scientific evidence for caste affecting genes) would have certainly read about the tribe-caste continuum, both from the culture pov and as genetic evidence. So Raju, lets cut the basics and get to the point -- where is the scientific evidence that caste affects genes? Kindly elaborate on that (in detail please).

Your post # 44 appears to be a classic, esp for those who talk about "brahmin genes". Am not saying you spoke about "brahmin genes" in post # 44, but the points you made in that post are the sort used by those who revel in a strange combination of caste eugenics + brahmin supremacy.

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My general comments not against anyone . Few things here

This whole question of caste and genetics relationship is needless. Human effort is greater. How many born genius wasted because of lack of hardwork. Human effort can take anyone anywhere. Some get it easy because of special abilities in some department, some art, some music etc. There may be cultural, there may be genetic help also. Gene related talent like some music gene, science gene etc, I dont think there is any proof. Intelligence gene? Gone are the days of IQ test. What is intelligence. An intelligent painter can be a stupid singer. No proper definition of intelligence.

It is waste of time discussing which community is doing better in studies or learning.
If you have to do well in education
You should have a free mind
You should have motivation
You should have common sense
You should have hardwork
You should have intelligence in something - music, pottery, fighting, etc
But most humans have basic level of intelligence they have to open up , that comes with environment. In educated families, lot of books, lot of logical discussions since childhood happen. This is intellectual environment. Cultural capital is also there. But this can be developed in any family system

Some communities like jews are definately doing very very well but in studies , how about sports?
Every caste is equally intelligent may be in different ways but does not matter.

Human effort can attempt anything and all of us can become like gods.
.... Am aware of 'cultural' practices affecting genes such as lactose tolerance / intolerance in animal-herding groups. However, i have not heard of caste affecting genes.
Happy, I think there is a little bit of imprecision here. Non-physical things like "cultural practices" per se cannot affect genes. Genes get affected by (i) random mutations when the sperm and egg join to form a zygote and (ii) physical environment such as weather, radiation, chemicals etc. Both factors are blind to non-physical factors such as cultural practices. Any gene peculiarities that we see within individual groups, such as the one you mention, occur due to selective breeding -- intentional or unintentional. Humans have done this to plants and animals since they moved from hunter-gatherer stage to farming and herding.

Caste endogamy also has the same effect as selective breeding. These give rise to some peculiarities in physical features like skin pigmentation, nose structure, and mental capacity (this is a physical feature as well). But, there is no single gene that can make a baby into a Brahmin or what not, in the sense we have genes that produce a certain physical characteristic.

So, "cultural practices" themselves do not affect the gene, it is endogamy within a cultural group that affects certain gene sequences in the group to predominate and one can then identify it as peculiar to that given group.

I hope you are able to appreciate this subtle distinction.

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Dear HH,
Well EVR visited Kashi. His experiences do not require "scientific evidence" as you have claimed

I never used to ask for 'scientific evidence for such things until I had the opportunity to have a discussion with you last time. I learnt it from you. Periy ar's Kashi visit may not require corroboration/evidence(scientific or non-scientific). But the incident you spun out in that thread would certainly need corroboration. If you do not remember I would like to remind you about it - the fight periya r had with the dogs of kashi to collect a morsel of food thrown out by the pandas of Kashi(not the great chinese panda) for survival and the question you had asked me about it emoting. You reminded about a question and I replied saying that the answer was already given and in turn I had to remind you about the question I addressed to you which has not been answered till this moment. I did not say the kashi story has any thing to do with the question of culture and in turn caste affecting the genes.

Kunjuppu ji also visited Kashi, Gaya and has written about the corruption there. Will you ask him to produce "scientific evidence" about his experiences? Perhaps we should insist that he must produce such "scientific evidence", lest he may be bluffing (Kunjuppu ji, my apologies, i mean no offence with this, just trying to convey a point, am sure you will understand).

If I were to follow your foot steps/example I will certainly demand scientific proof from Shri Kunjuppu and when he says he really visited Kashi and Gaya and offers to produce a bottle each of Ganga and palkuni river water, I will collect it and yet would say he is telling lies. You said the same thing in another thread when I told you that I had personally listened as one in the audience to your great revolutionary periy ar badmouthing brahmins in a public meeting you had asked majestically "what is the proof that you are not telling a lie?"

Anyways, EVR's experiences in Kashi have nothing to do with your baseless claim that there is "scientific evidence" that caste affects genes.

You may have your pov. But the very scientific evidences you quoted to prove that culture can modify genes over time also go prove that castes can do the same thing as castes are basically tribes with distinct cultures chosen consciously and practiced already over thousands of years-sufficiently long to affect the genes in the way they evolved. The paper you had quoted, by the scientists of University of California LA, are sufficient scientific proof for my POV.


Surely a scientist (of any subject perhaps) wud know something as simple as the difference between "caste" and "tribe".

I really do not know just as many of the members of this forum who are reading this discussion. Please enlighten me.Also about the tribe-caste continuum you are speaking about.

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Happy, I think there is a little bit of imprecision here. Non-physical things like "cultural practices" per se cannot affect gene. Genes get affected by (i) random mutations when the sperm and egg join to form a zygote and (ii) physical environment. Both factors are blind to non-physical factors such as cultural practices. Any gene peculiarities that we see within individual groups, such as the one you mention, occur due to selective breeding -- intentional or unintentional. Humans have done this to plants and animals since they moved from hunter-gatherer stage to farming and herding.

Caste endogamy also has the same effect as selective breeding. These give rise to some peculiarities in physical features like skin pigmentation, nose structure, and mental capacity (this is a physical feature as well). But, there is no single gene that can make a baby into a Brahmin or what not, in the sense we have a genes that produce a certain physical characteristic.

So, "cultural practices" themselves do not affect the gene, it is endogamy within a cultural group that affects certain gene sequences in the group to predominate and one can then identify it as peculiar to that given group.

I hope you are able to appreciate this subtle distinction.


Dear HH,

Please give the reference of the Paper published by Robert Boyd of UCLA to Mr. Nara as you appear to be abreast with the latest developments. There are people who are doing research on this line in a university in Korea or Japan also (I have read a paper published by a group from one of these universities some time back. I am sorry I do not remember exactly the names of the team).

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....Who cares about Abraham Kovoor.I am not taking about him here.Why do you guys need others for support? Now see you need Abraham Kovoor.
Dear Renu, the Indian Constitution does not have the language you have cited. The Hate Speech law is about inciting conflict between two religions, or between two castes. There is nothing there that says no reasoned criticism of a given religion, or caste system in general is not permitted.

Also, Shri Nachinarkiniyan cited Kovoor not as an endorsement of Kovoor (I would have, but N didn't do it), but as evidence that Indian law permits such activities and speech. N did not need Kovoor the person to bolster his point.

Your outbursts are clearly out of character. The source probably is the fact you are having to console others but not even able to even have a good cry for the terrible loss you have suffered recently in Puttaparthi. I understand your emotions. However, I request you to not take it out on members here.

Dear Renu, the Indian Constitution does not have the language you have cited. The Hate Speech law is about inciting conflict between two religions, or between two castes. There is nothing there that says no reasoned criticism of a given religion, or caste system in general is not permitted.

Also, Shri Nachinarkiniyan cited Kovoor not as an endorsement of Kovoor (I would have, but N didn't do it), but as evidence that Indian law permits such activities and speech. N did not need Kovoor the person to bolster his point.

Your outbursts are clearly out of character. The source probably is the fact you are having to console others but not even able to even have a good cry for the terrible loss you have suffered recently in Puttaparthi. I understand your emotions. However, I request you to not take it out on members here.


Dear Nara,
I am not really taking it out on members here.I was just putting my point clear.Anyway I dont wish to argue anymore on this cos as I said I am following instructions from Baba and i dont wish to go on this and wish people will leave me alone when i had written i wont be debating on this . I hope you understand.
I am mature enough to get a hold of my emotions after all i do hold a knife in my day to day work and all patients have been in safe hands only.
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Dear Vasumathi

It is true that many boys and girls marry outside the caste and religion ; this is on the rise. In my opinion it is due to higher education, coeducation,exposure to internet, television and variety of other factors. Imparting spiritual knowledge to them would be of very little benefit in majority cases. I am told that some of the children of devout brahmins including vedic scholars
and exponents of religious discourses married outside the caste. Early marriage meaning at the marriageable age is therefore
advocated;the more you delay their marriages it may give rise to other options to them.If one looks for a boy well educated in
US OR employed there, in some cases it clicks. In case where the girl or boy goes abroad to study, invariably they find their
partners sometimes outside their caste.We have therefore no powers vested in us to expect what we wish or desire. We have to
simply leave things to Almighty to guide us properly.

“What are we, Saudi Arabia?”

Talking about freedom of speech, there is an article in NY Times about new regulations in India that may affect our members from India, and may even affect the site, if it is hosted from India.

Read all about it here.

Some nuggets:

  • The list of objectionable content is sweeping and includes anything that “threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states or public order.”
  • granted authorities more expansive powers to monitor electronic communications for reasons of national security. It also granted privacy protections to consumers.
  • the liability waiver was a big improvement over a previous law that had been used to hold intermediaries liable for hosting content created by others.
Dear HH,

I never used to ask for 'scientific evidence for such things until I had the opportunity to have a discussion with you last time. I learnt it from you. Periy ar's Kashi visit may not require corroboration/evidence(scientific or non-scientific). But the incident you spun out in that thread would certainly need corroboration. If you do not remember I would like to remind you about it - the fight periya r had with the dogs of kashi to collect a morsel of food thrown out by the pandas of Kashi(not the great chinese panda) for survival and the question you had asked me about it emoting. You reminded about a question and I replied saying that the answer was already given and in turn I had to remind you about the question I addressed to you which has not been answered till this moment. I did not say the kashi story has any thing to do with the question of culture and in turn caste affecting the genes.
If I were to follow your foot steps/example I will certainly demand scientific proof from Shri Kunjuppu and when he says he really visited Kashi and Gaya and offers to produce a bottle each of Ganga and palkuni river water, I will collect it and yet would say he is telling lies. You said the same thing in another thread when I told you that I had personally listened as one in the audience to your great revolutionary periy ar badmouthing brahmins in a public meeting you had asked majestically "what is the proof that you are not telling a lie?"
Shri Raju,

Surely there is a big difference between "historical evidence", 'forensic evidence", "testimonial evidence", "scientific evidence", etc. Am still wondering how can a scientist ask for "scientific" evidence when it comes to words uttered from someone's mouth.

I feel your 2nd para is un-necessary characterisation (and assumption reg 'what i would have done' wrt the Kunjuppu ji situation). Surely if Kunjuppu Ji were to come back and gush about his experiences, there is no reason to disbeleive him. Especially if he has not yet become a politician (or 'social activist').

I think i made my position already clear on that thread. EVR said things a lot more worse than the brahmin-snake comparison. There was nothing preventing him from publishing the brahmin-snake statement (if indeed those were his words). Except for your word of mouth we have no proof that EVR said anything like that.

Let us put it this way, there is no proof that either EVR or yourself are telling the truth.

As regards EVR, am willing to accept that too many things about him are contradictory. EVR asked for dravidistan. But his brother EVK did everything in his capacity to demolish EVR's ideology of dravidistan. I see EVR as a vengeful person. We shall discuss EVR in length some other time.

You may have your pov. But the very scientific evidences you quoted to prove that culture can modify genes over time also go prove that castes can do the same thing as castes are basically tribes with distinct cultures chosen consciously and practiced already over thousands of years-sufficiently long to affect the genes in the way they evolved. The paper you had quoted, by the scientists of University of California LA, are sufficient scientific proof for my POV.
Raju, quite clearly when genetists are speaking of culture wrt to lactose-tolerance being genetic, they are speaking of the environment shaping the genome. This has nothing to do with caste. No one knows how many castes in India were previously cattle-herding groups. Even a fisherman with no historical tradition of cattle-herding can have lactose tolerance. Which is why i asked where is the proof that "caste affects genes".

Morevoer, you now claim that "castes are basically tribes with distinct cultures chosen consciously and practiced already over thousands of years"

Seriously, do you think tribes that fought, mated and merged all over the sub-continent made a "conscious" effort to choose one another? And how many thousands of years please?

I really do not know just as many of the members of this forum who are reading this discussion. Please enlighten me.Also about the tribe-caste continuum you are speaking about.

Shri Raju, if you accept that there was a tribe-caste contiuum, how can you accept the purvamimansa-dharmashastra idea of exclusivity? The ideas of tribes admixing and resulting in 'castes', or any idea of Caste-tribe continum contradicts all "orthodox" ideas in every possible way.

If brahmins are a "caste" derived from various old tribes it would mean that they are not a exclusive group. Certainly from the genetic pov they are not an exclusive group. In such case all talk of gotras, exclusive descent, etc, etc loses ground. This applies to all brahmins, all varnas, all castes and tribes all across the sub-continent.

I also asked specifically about the Vadagalai group because they make far too many claims when compared to the Thengalais.

Vadagalais claim that
1) They are an indo-aryan group of Prakrit speakers whereas Thengalais are Dravidian speakers.
2) They came from Kashmir whereas Thengalais are native to the Tamil land.
3) The article on Iyengars in Wikipedia even claims Vadgalais descended from Kossars.

Kossars (aka Kosars, Khazars, Khazzar, Khasa, Khasas) are Kiratas or Boyars (i have mentioned andhra boyas in other threads, perhaps you can read on them). If they claim to have descended from Kossars, how can they claim to be "vedic"?

If they claim to be from Kashmir, how can they claim to be "brahmins" when Brahmanda Purana says there are no brahmins in Kashmir?

Please note what i think myself is all very different. I feel there were brahmins in kashmir but they were the anthanar type who were not recognised as brahmins by the puranic and trayi-veda people. Infact i feel they were an ancient creed of Iranians (that is, old aryans) to whom the culture of Hayagriva, Puloman, Vritra, Prahalada, etc belongs. But what i feel is different from the traditional orthodox pov. From the traditional puranic pov, there are no brahmins in Kashmir, Abhira, Kambhoja, etc. So going by the orthodox pov, will Vadagalais (be willing to) accept that they descended from Non-Brahmins?

I also feel there is only a minor geographic difference between vadagalai and thengalai (apart from the differences in philosophy). Vadagalais are centered around Kanchi which is "north" of Srirangam, whereas Thengalai are active in Srirangam. If at all there is a big difference between Thengalai and Vadagali, then genetics should show up that difference, right? So how come they make claims of being different from Thengalais?

Plus when it comes to dubbing Thengalais as Dravidian speakers, i wonder about all other Tamils, how much "dravidian" or "tamil" is there in various Tamil castes? Vellalars came from Srisailam, Vellala Goundars from Karnataka, Kallars from Andhra, Nagarathars from Andhra, Sengunthars and Kaikolars have an Andhra connection as well. Like this we can go on about various "tamil" castes also. Therefore i do not understand this whole idea of classifying anyone as vadagalai or thengalai based on "prakrit" or "dravidian".

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Talking about freedom of speech, there is an article in NY Times about new regulations in India that may affect our members from India, and may even affect the site, if it is hosted from India.

Read all about it here.

Some nuggets:

  • The list of objectionable content is sweeping and includes anything that “threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states or public order.”
  • granted authorities more expansive powers to monitor electronic communications for reasons of national security. It also granted privacy protections to consumers.
  • the liability waiver was a big improvement over a previous law that had been used to hold intermediaries liable for hosting content created by others.

Wow! I guess thats what Baba meant by "Internet Security and how to protect yourself from others" in my dream on April 27th.
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There is no one answer to intercaste marriage. We are all humans and we all have different tastes in life. Parents want to impart some part of their culture to their children. Children are now a days more closer to friends and people outside their community. They have their own thoughts. They take some things from parents, they take something from outside. It is not success or failure. Parents should not take life too seriously.

If you are orthodox, why worry , when you are doing bhajanai ? Why worry when you are doing shraddham? Why suddenly worry when you have a lead a peaceful life so far, just because of children, not worth it !.
பீஷ்மர் மாத்ரி கவலை படனுமா ?
If children are different they are different , you should not spoil your health. You have given your best shot ! Leave it there.

If you are modern and you support the actions of your children, then also it is okay.

It is natural for changes to happen. So many things have changed since our parents time. We changed so many things consciously. In my family elders used to wear gopi-chandanam. Now even these people also sport a simple vibhuti. There is remarkable change- from the days when lot of half moons and full moons were seen on people's foreheads. My poor attempt at humour.

Marriage rituals , so many changes ! Houses have they also not changed? Who built those modern houses- you and me. Who asked the daughters to cut hair short- us isnt it? Who asked our sons to wear shorts and not veshti like in our childhood. Our grandfathers were also no different . My grandfather dragged my mother literally to school. She did not want to go to school. He dragged her. In those days itself he was clear- no marriage for girl until 18. We have all consciously adopted lot of changes. There were times when katcheris did not happen. There were simple concerts in temples and special performances in front of mirasdar or king. Then we got katcheri culture. Now that is also changing and some people are angry- why?

You have carried good values. Good! Feel nostalgic , those wonderful days will not come back. Come marriage- we used to have a great time. We remembered and played with our cousin's cousin's cousin. Those lovely days , visit the mylapore temple, and see so many friends and relatives. Walk across the road, land into your favorite friend's house. Do arrattai , have some bashanam.Adirasam was a common item. Sit on the oonjal. We also used to do bird-watching, pardon me ladies. Lovely girls in pavaddai , long hairs full of flowers. We dont find the shakeela and the katrina so exciting, But we do switch the channels and have some look- dont we. That means changes can happen and yet we can also adjust mindset.

When we ourselves have pushed for changes , why should we be upset when our children turn things upside down?

People here may think that this chap is pro modern pro western etc. No not all. I dont want to waste time in such thoughts.
I feel sad, I feel nostalgic. But if we remember that change is part of life, we will be centred on the present. Let us not worry about the great things of past or have a utopian vision of future. Be happy wherever we are. You didnt want intercaste you didnt encourage. Your child did it. You can still enjoy. If your son-in-law or daughter-in-law is good, they will respect you. You may also have opportunity to play with grandchildren. Life is too precious to worry about changes which cannot be stopped.

To all the religious and orthodox- Simple bhajanai say and be happy. Here it is
ஹரே ராம ஹரே கிருஷ்ணா ராம ராம ஹரே ஹரே ஹரே ராம ஹரே கிருஷ்ணா கிருஷ்ணா கிருஷ்ணா ஹரே ஹரே

Be cool and take it easy!
Hello Folks: Here's an imaginary talk that I had with God: This is not similar to what Prophet Moses had in Mt. Sinai very long time ago or what Prophet Muhammed had in Cave Hir in the Jabal mountains of Mecca when he was age 40, about 1400 years ago.

Place: Rattlesnake infested small mountain in TX. Weather was very warm and dry.

I was very tired of getting answers to the persistent questions of life - why seemingly "good people" suffer and why "evil monsters" live well with style and abundance.

1 = God 2 = Yamaka....follow the conversation

There was a bush fire and a thunderous voice echoed...

" Yamaka..........................."

"Oh, God.. are you there?" Man.. I thought you would leave me here for the snakes to kill me! Thank you Lord.... I am a troubled man... will you answer some questions that bothers me so much for so long?

"Yamaka, you must be a fearless old man to come to this rattlesnake infested place.. anyway, what bothers you these days?"

"Thanks, Lord.. Did you make man in your image about 6000 years ago? That's what Old Testament, Koran and Vedas say.."

"Nonsense.. I am just a Force of Nature or Power of Nature... No, I did not make man in my image... I don't have any image... I made man over millions of years very very slowly...by process of biological evolution.. human beings are just one species in this planet where million other life forms are there"

"Why did you make so poor and so rich people, anyway?"

"I gave man the Free Will - I don't care what he/she does with that Free Will; I care when these Homo erectus people violate the Laws of Nature - this is the aggregate laws of physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy.. When it is violated, I take them out. I don't show mercy.. I just don't care whether these people pray me hundred times a day or not..I am not Super Human Being. I am the Power of Nature..My creations have myriad faces, forms, and human beings are just one complex form. I have given humans large brain - enlarged pre-frontal cortex which is the site of complex abstract thinking, imagination and also hallucination and delusion.. I also gave them enlarged hippocampus which remembers events very well for a long long time - with cortex the hippocampus can retain information for 70-100 years. This is called very long term memory.. this is a blessing as well as a curse for humans. Some humans used their brain and muscle productively and became "rich" as you call and others remained "poor"..That's all... it all boils down to the Free Will that I gave you... Yes, I am a tolerant Force, to a point... if the Laws of Nature are violated... I come in the form of Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Earthquake and Death.

"Lord, are you not Allah, Rama, Krishna, Jesus etc... what's all these name?"

"It's all your way of calling me.. I just don't care... I repeat I just don't care whether you have Mosques, Temples and Churches for me.. use the Free Will I gave you productively and happily... if you abuse, it's your fault.. some of you cheat and dominate weaker factions of the Society... it's your problem.. you sort them out... I hate people using my name and make a plush living.. like many Godmen in this world... you must organize well to weed out the sinners yourself.... My job is to keep the Universe intact.. I don't have emotions, worries and concerns... it's all your feelings... I just don't care as a Power..."

"Oh, Lord, I am shivering... I thought you govern all of the human beings in this world..."

"No, I told you I have given you Free Will - use it well and succeed in life... when the time comes I will take you out... without any mercy... you people think you can bribe me by reading Vedas, giving prayers.. making up stories of me etc... it's all abuses of the Free Will I gave you... you will suffer in this world for all the negligence... there is no other world for you... when I take you out, you're dead and gone for ever... no Judgement Day.. No punishment in the hell and pampering in the heaven.... that's all your imagination.. all because of your abstract thinking, delusion and hallucination"

"Oh, God... I will use the Free Will to make myself happier. Bless me, Lord".

"Yamaka, just go do your profession right.. that's all needed... this blessing and all that nonsense I don't believe, get lost from here"

There was a heavy down pour, and the bush fire disappeared... Yamaka returned home with a very clear head!

Dear Yamaka,

really very very nice ,funny and interesting..I would like to add some humour to it..if you dont mind..
(since there is no heaven and hell and judgement..hehehehhehe)

Yamaha: Hey Yamaka!!! I just lost my job!

And that hows Yamaka ended Yamaha's career..

as the saying goes Chandrasekharamaashraye mama kim karishyati vai Yamaha.
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Dear Shri Nacchinarkiniyan, I have never said anything to imply Brahmins are the only ones who oppose icm. I am quite aware that the hierarchically graded and endogamous caste system permeates the entire society from Brahmins at the top deep down to the lowliest of Dalits. This being a forum for Tamil Brahmins the discussion revolves around TBs.


Let us come back to the original topic.

The current situation in India is that the other castes are reacting violently to inter-caste marriages. The Supreme court had recentlly commented about the inaction of the state governments regarding katta Panchayats in Tamil Nadu and Khap panchayats in the North.

Katta panchayats in Tamil Nadu do not even get reported. They give very stingent punishments for inter-caste marriages. None of the political parties are interested in tackling the issue.

Tamil Cinema which had started with the portrayal of the Brahmin community against inter-caste marriages now has produced a number of movies showing the violent opposition of the other communities to inter-caste marriages.

My wife was asking me sarcastically whether I had posted in the Brahmins forum about myself arranging an inter-caste marriage. I have, after a lot of effort, set backs, humiliations, insults, on the way, arranged an inter-caste marriage for my son.

So I know.

There is more acceptance of inter-caste marriage among the Brahmins than any other community.

But arranged inter-caste marriges are far far away.
Shri Raju,

Surely there is a big difference between "historical evidence", 'forensic evidence", "testimonial evidence", "scientific evidence", etc. Am still wondering how can a scientist ask for "scientific" evidence when it comes to words uttered from someone's mouth.

I feel your 2nd para is un-necessary characterisation (and assumption reg 'what i would have done' wrt the Kunjuppu ji situation). Surely if Kunjuppu Ji were to come back and gush about his experiences, there is no reason to disbeleive him. Especially if he has not yet become a politician (or 'social activist').

I think i made my position already clear on that thread. EVR said things a lot more worse than the brahmin-snake comparison. There was nothing preventing him from publishing the brahmin-snake statement (if indeed those were his words). Except for your word of mouth we have no proof that EVR said anything like that.

Let us put it this way, there is no proof that either EVR or yourself are telling the truth.

As regards EVR, am willing to accept that too many things about him are contradictory. EVR asked for dravidistan. But his brother EVK did everything in his capacity to demolish EVR's ideology of dravidistan. I see EVR as a vengeful person. We shall discuss EVR in length some other time.

Raju, quite clearly when genetists are speaking of culture wrt to lactose-tolerance being genetic, they are speaking of the environment shaping the genome. This has nothing to do with caste. No one knows how many castes in India were previously cattle-herding groups. Even a fisherman with no historical tradition of cattle-herding can have lactose tolerance. Which is why i asked where is the proof that "caste affects genes".

Morevoer, you now claim that "castes are basically tribes with distinct cultures chosen consciously and practiced already over thousands of years"

Seriously, do you think tribes that fought, mated and merged all over the sub-continent made a "conscious" effort to choose one another? And how many thousands of years please?

Shri Raju, if you accept that there was a tribe-caste contiuum, how can you accept the purvamimansa-dharmashastra idea of exclusivity? The ideas of tribes admixing and resulting in 'castes', or any idea of Caste-tribe continum contradicts all "orthodox" ideas in every possible way.

If brahmins are a "caste" derived from various old tribes it would mean that they are not a exclusive group. Certainly from the genetic pov they are not an exclusive group. In such case all talk of gotras, exclusive descent, etc, etc loses ground. This applies to all brahmins, all varnas, all castes and tribes all across the sub-continent.

I also asked specifically about the Vadagalai group because they make far too many claims when compared to the Thengalais.

Vadagalais claim that
1) They are an indo-aryan group of Prakrit speakers whereas Thengalais are Dravidian speakers.
2) They came from Kashmir whereas Thengalais are native to the Tamil land.
3) The article on Iyengars in Wikipedia even claims Vadgalais descended from Kossars.

Kossars (aka Kosars, Khazars, Khazzar, Khasa, Khasas) are Kiratas or Boyars (i have mentioned andhra boyas in other threads, perhaps you can read on them). If they claim to have descended from Kossars, how can they claim to be "vedic"?

If they claim to be from Kashmir, how can they claim to be "brahmins" when Brahmanda Purana says there are no brahmins in Kashmir?

Please note what i think myself is all very different. I feel there were brahmins in kashmir but they were the anthanar type who were not recognised as brahmins by the puranic and trayi-veda people. Infact i feel they were an ancient creed of Iranians (that is, old aryans) to whom the culture of Hayagriva, Puloman, Vritra, Prahalada, etc belongs. But what i feel is different from the traditional orthodox pov. From the traditional puranic pov, there are no brahmins in Kashmir, Abhira, Kambhoja, etc. So going by the orthodox pov, will Vadagalais (be willing to) accept that they descended from Non-Brahmins?

I also feel there is only a minor geographic difference between vadagalai and thengalai (apart from the differences in philosophy). Vadagalais are centered around Kanchi which is "north" of Srirangam, whereas Thengalai are active in Srirangam. If at all there is a big difference between Thengalai and Vadagali, then genetics should show up that difference, right? So how come they make claims of being different from Thengalais?

Plus when it comes to dubbing Thengalais as Dravidian speakers, i wonder about all other Tamils, how much "dravidian" or "tamil" is there in various Tamil castes? Vellalars came from Srisailam, Vellala Goundars from Karnataka, Kallars from Andhra, Nagarathars from Andhra, Sengunthars and Kaikolars have an Andhra connection as well. Like this we can go on about various "tamil" castes also. Therefore i do not understand this whole idea of classifying anyone as vadagalai or thengalai based on "prakrit" or "dravidian".


Dear HH,

I give up. You may please carry on your argument with someone else on this subject when an opportunity comes and come to some sort of conclusion if you can. You can interpret this in any way you want.

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